Blast61 / cd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Client Data

Running/Starting the Application

    Open a new terminal and run the following commands
  • `npm install`
  • This will install all the dependencies needed for the project to open and run successfully on your local machine
  • `npm run dev`
  • As explicitly stated in the package.json there is a script to open the project, the specific script command is "dev" paired with the `npm run`
  • Upon running the command, the build tool vite should expose a new terminal at port 5173 and launch the application in a new web browser

How does it all work? 😸

    The project is built with the following tech stack
  • JS/TS
  • React.js
  • Vite
  • Papa Parse


In favor of development effeciency and to adhere to the time allotted for this assignment I utilized Vite's lightning fast building/compiling capabilities to quickly open and expose a built in port to host my webpage.

-The CsvFetcher.tsx component is responsible for fetching the data from the CSV file and parsing it into an array of objects containing the data fetched from the CSV file. Within the component are several methods for interacting with the data.

  • parseDate takes in a string containing the date as its lone argument and proceeds to convert it to a new Date() string ordered by a ${year}-${month}-${day} template.
  • sortedData takes in the parsed results data and calls the built in JS method .sort(). The dateA & dateB variables are assigned the evaluated result of invoking parseDate and passing in the specific eventDate and invoking the built in JS method .getTime() which returns a number that represents the difference between the current time in milliseconds and (a very long time ago😂) Jan. 1 1970, using this number I created a check to ensure that the data was sorted in reverse chronological order per the instructions.

-groupedData is the evaluated result of invoking the groupBy() callback located in the utils folder, taking in a callback itself in sortedData and an annonymous function that returns all data with a combination of firstName and lastName.

-groupBy is a common function used to group similar data by taking in a keyFunction that maps each item of type D to a key of type K -The reduce method iterates over the data array storing groups in an object with all unique keys from the keyFunction, each key's value is an array of items. The reduce method is initialized with an empty object and its result is an object with unique keys with values containing arrays of items grouped by the keys. -const group = groups[key] || [] This line checks if there is already a group for the key in the groups object and if not it creates a new empty array, then pushing the current item into the group. The gropus object gets updated with each element from the data array.

-reducedData is the evaluated result of invoking Object.values on the groupedData and mapping across the array of values and reducing them based on the most recent event sorting by invoking a new Date() and passing in the current and previous array element's eventDate property. Using a turnary operator to ensure the most recent one is returned.

-clientDuplicates is the evaluated result of invoking the reducedData callback and mapping across the array of reducedData and assigning a boolean hasDuplicates property to each element, hasDuplicates invokes the groupBy callback passing in the already sortedData and checking to see if the current row has any duplicates based on the criteria of having matching first/last names. This will later impact the rendering of the table ensuring that duplicate clients will not render unless the (+) button is clicked.

-The useEffect hook is rounded out by invoking the setter function and passing in the clientDuplicates variable, paired with two forms of error handling, the first being in case the parsing of the CSV data failed at any point, this boundary would log an error message letting me know that there might be an issue with the papa parser. My second form of error handling occurs with the catch block that is required when implementing asynchronous try blocks. It is finished with a final invokation of the fetchCsvData() function that instatiates the data fetching.

-toggleRow takes in a nameKey string argument and invokes the setCsvData setter function and maps across the data array ensuring that the current data being iterated over is being checked to see if the row should be toggled or not. If the condition is true, it means the current row matches the one that needs to be toggled, creating a new object with the ...row spread operator then toggled with the !row.expanded. If the condition is false the row is unchanged. The mapping function returns a new array with the updated rows and updates the state for csvData by passing it into the setter function setCsvData which triggers a re-render of the component with the updated state.

-tableHeaders contains an array of strings with a revamped and more professionally appealing look to use as a table headers. Initially the table utilized the data from the csvData as table headers but they were all in camel casing and did not seem to "fit-in", which I took the liberty of changing to standard/conventional casing.

-The component returns JSX containing a table that is filled with the csvData fetched by the component and is conditionally rendered based on the instructions provided and the current state of the data. Each cell filled with data is assigned its own unique index based key to satisfy React's requirement of all elements containing a unique identifier so when re-rendering occurs React knows under the hood which components/elements changed from the previous render.



Language:TypeScript 80.2%Language:CSS 13.0%Language:HTML 4.7%Language:JavaScript 2.0%