Blankeos / ac-research-journal

πŸ“š Research Journal for Assumption Iloilo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AC Research Journal Project

πŸ“’ Notes

  • When developing utilities, make sure to use relative path (./..)
  • For NextJS, absolute path alias (@/) is okay.
  • For anything related to PayloadCMS always use relative path. (./..)

πŸ› οΈ Development (Recommended Setup in Next.JS)

For fast development of the Next.JS Frontend, I recommend using the production URL of the CMS right away. BUT you cannot use the /admin route here.

No need to run a local database, clone data, and maintain different secrets for environment variables.

  1. Installation Requirements:

    • Node - v18.18.0^
    • PNPM - the package manage we're using.
  2. Copy .env

    cp .env.example .env

    Change variables:

    MONGODB_URI=mongodb://<remotemongodb_url> # Use the production URL here
    PAYLOAD_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL= # Use the production URL
    NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:3000 # Use localhost
  3. Install dependencies and run the server

    pnpm install
    pnpm dev

πŸ”§ Development (Recommended when developing the CMS)

Do this if you want to fiddle around PayloadCMS.

  1. Installation Requirements:

    • Docker - for easy MongoDB installation, not required if you can install MongoDB easily or already installed on your machine. (Only used for local development)
    • Node - v18.18.0^
    • PNPM - the package manage we're using.
  2. Copy environment variables and make sure to replace the values.

    cp .env.example .env

    Change variables:

    + MONGODB_URI=mongodb://
    # Used for dumping
  3. Install dependencies

    pnpm install
  4. Create the Mongo database (If you installed Docker)

    pnpm db:create
  5. Initialize Data (Optional. Assumes you have MONGODB_URI_REMOTE in .env)

    pnpm db:clone
  6. Initialize Media (These are uploaded assets that exist in media/ from this project's root)

    # Download it instantly (Don't spam since it gets rate limited publicly).
    pnpm media:clone
    • If that doesn't work, Download Here and unzip it and put the pictures in the media/ folder.
  7. Generate Types to generate payload-types.ts (ctrl + shift + b) or (cmd + shift + b)

  8. Run the server

    pnpm dev
  9. Access PayloadCMS Admin on http://localhost:3000:/admin and NextJS on http://localhost:3000/. (Assumes PAYLOAD_SEED=true on .env.)

    πŸ”‘ Admin Credentials
    email: '',
    password: 'test',

βš›οΈ Making GraphQL queries

  1. Run GraphQL Introspection

    This enables you to write in .graphql files with typesafety. Just make sure you're running the server (pnpm dev)

    pnpm codegen -w
    # you can also remove `-w` if you only want it to run once.`
  2. Create a GraphQL query/mutation in a .graphql file. e.g.

    The code below will autogenerate files will autogenerate typescript objects and types in @/gql/graphql.

    query getVolumes($limit: Int = 10, $page: Int = 1) {
    Volumes(limit: $limit, page: $page, sort: "publishedDAte") {
       docs {
          volumeCover {
  3. Use your Queries/Mutations in .ts files. e.g.

    // ☁️ Server-Side Implementation
    import { GetVolumesDocument } from '@/gql/graphql';
    import { client, ssrCache } from '@/lib/urqlClient';
    export async function getServerSideProps(ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) {
      const params = ctx?.params as
        | { page?: number; limit?: number }
        | undefined;
      const { data } = await client
          { limit: params?.limit, page: params?.page },
          { requestPolicy: "network-only" } // <- to prevent `client` from caching our requests.
      return {
        props: {
          pageInfo: {
            limit: params?.limit ?? null,
            page: params?.page ?? null,
          urqlState: ssrCache.extractData(),
    //  πŸ’» Client-Side Implementation
    import { GetVolumesDocument } from '@/gql/graphql';
    import { client, ssrCache } from '@/lib/urqlClient';
    const ArchiveOverviewPage: NextPageWithLayout<
    InferGetServerSidePropsType<typeof getServerSideProps>
    > = (props) => {
    const [{ data }] = useQuery({
     query: GetVolumesDocument,
     variables: {
       limit: props?.pageInfo?.limit,
       page: props?.pageInfo?.page,

πŸ“… Migrations

  1. Create migrations

    pnpm payload migrate:create name_of_migration
  2. Run migrations

    pnpm payload migrate

πŸ“ Snippets

To improve workflow, when creating new things, we have snippets located in .vscode/snippets.code-snippets. Extend this overtime!

πŸ“Œ Resource Links

πŸš€ Deployment

We're currently running this project on NGINX PM2 on a $6 VPS container on Vultr. Here's rough instructions on how to deploy from scratch

  1. Start a Container
  2. Linux Installations:
    • update packages.
    • install nginx
    • install node
    • install pm2
  3. Clone this Repo
  4. cd into this repo
  5. pnpm install
  6. pnpm build:safe


πŸ“š Research Journal for Assumption Iloilo


Language:TypeScript 97.1%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:SCSS 0.7%Language:JavaScript 0.7%Language:Shell 0.5%