BlackhatfrenchAlternative / Mirai-Eye-Botnet-RAT

Mirai Eye

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Mirai Eye Important information to know! I will in no way be held responsible for what you do with the information and programs presented. I'm just making a deposit or I wish to divulge a tool and study it to better understand and explain its function.

Mirai Eye is either a RAT or a botnet, both of which are finely tuned. It offers a range of skills and can infect several OSes, hence the name Mirai. This is the competence presented here : Features:

Remote Desktop Remote Shell HRDP Manager Reverse Proxy Monitor Grabber DDos Attack Computer Manager Task Manager File Manager Clipboard Manager Regisitry Manager Start up Manager Computer Lockpassword Recovery All browser recovery steam file recovery Filezila server recovery Monotring Camera monitring audio feeds keylogger dns viewrs execute local files execute url scripts chat stealr bitcoin stealr monero stealr ethereum steal bitcoin miner ethereum miner monero miner cd drive monitor on off mouse control on off

Video presentation of the tool :

Photo : image

which offers other tools of this kind for legal and analysis purposes :