BlackBeltDesigns / SublimeText3-Emmet-Snippets-Foundation6

Foundation 6 snippets with options for Emmet in SublimeText 3

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Foundation 6 snippets with options for Emmet in SublimeText 3

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  • You will obviously need the following prior to doing anything with this repo...

  • Download this repo and unzip.

  • Create a folder in SublimeText 3 > Packages > User

  • Use the Menu to open the Emmet.sublime-settings file

    • Preferences > Package Settings > Emmet > Settings-User
  • This will open up the settings file in your User folder.

    • Take note at the path where this file is.
  • Now create a new folder in the User folder

    • Name it whatever you like.
      • I used Extensions
  • For clarity, I also created a folder inside this named Emmet.

  • Now place the snippets.json file from the repo download inside this folder.

You should now have something like the following:

%APPDATA%\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\Extensions\Emmet\snippets.json

  • Next you will need to go back to the Emmet.sublime-settings file you opened earlier.
  • Change your "extensions_path" variable on line 7 to the location we made.
    • It should look something like this when comleted:
      • "extensions_path": "~/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Extensions/Emmet",
  • Restart Sublime Text 3 and enjoy the speedy clips!

Please reference the Foundation for Sites Docs to see all posibilities. I didn't create dynamic snippets for all elements, but did create the ones most used.

##How to use them

These all output dynamic emmet snippets allowing for the referenced Foundation 6 elements. In other words, when you tab complete, you aren't actually "completing" the snippet. You are loading the emmet snippet and filling in the variables available for that Foundation 6 element.

Take this simple example:

An Accordion in the Foundation 6 example is like this:

<ul class="accordion" data-accordion role="tablist">
  <li class="accordion-item is-active">
    <!-- The tab title needs role="tab", an href, a unique ID, and aria-controls. -->
    <a href="#panel1d" role="tab" class="accordion-title" id="panel1d-heading" aria-controls="panel1d">Accordion 1</a>
    <!-- The content pane needs an ID that matches the above href, role="tabpanel", data-tab-content, and aria-labelledby. -->
    <div id="panel1d" class="accordion-content" role="tabpanel" data-tab-content aria-labelledby="panel1d-heading">
      Panel 1. Lorem ipsum dolor
  <li class="accordion-item">
    <!-- The tab title needs role="tab", an href, a unique ID, and aria-controls. -->
    <a href="#panel1d" role="tab" class="accordion-title" id="panel1d-heading" aria-controls="panel1d">Accordion 1</a>
    <!-- The content pane needs an ID that matches the above href, role="tabpanel", data-tab-content, and aria-labelledby. -->
    <div id="panel1d" class="accordion-content" role="tabpanel" data-tab-content aria-labelledby="panel1d-heading">
      Panel 2. Lorem ipsum dolor
  <li class="accordion-item">
    <!-- The tab title needs role="tab", an href, a unique ID, and aria-controls. -->
    <a href="#panel1d" role="tab" class="accordion-title" id="panel1d-heading" aria-controls="panel1d">Accordion 1</a>
    <!-- The content pane needs an ID that matches the above href, role="tabpanel", data-tab-content, and aria-labelledby. -->
    <div id="panel1d" class="accordion-content" role="tabpanel" data-tab-content aria-labelledby="panel1d-heading">
      Panel 3. Lorem ipsum dolor

In order to do this in ST3 using Emmet, you would do something like this:

ul.accordion[data-accordion role="tablist"]>>a.accordion-title#panel1d-heading[href="#panel1d" role="tab" aria-controls="panel1d"]{Accordion 1}+#panel1d.accordion-content[role="tabpanel" data-tab-content. aria-labelledby="panel1d-heading"]{Panel 1. Lorem ipsum dolor}

Then hit TAB which would output:

<ul class="accordion" data-accordion="" role="tablist">
	<li class="accordion-item is-active">
		<a href="#panel1d" class="accordion-title" id="panel1d-heading" role="tab" aria-controls="panel1d">Accordion 1</a>
		<div id="panel1d" class="accordion-content" role="tabpanel" data-tab-content aria-labelledby="panel1d-heading">Panel 1. Lorem ipsum dolor</div>

You could then copy the inner li and paste it the amount of times you wanted and edit the ID's accordingly or add a *x where 'x' is the multiple of times you wanted an li in the original snippet.

##INSTEAD, with this repo... simply type:

accordion and TAB which gives you the following:


When this is output, it stops and highlites the 25 in {lorem25}.

Select how much lorem text you would like in your output containers and hit TAB again. This time it stops on how_many. Simply enter the number of li elements you want. (Or the number of accordion containers you want).

Now you can either tab to complete the code or go back to the end of the lorem spot and output the lorem code before finalizing. Then end of line and TAB to output the markup.

If I enter 30 for the lorem and 4 for the how_many, I will end up with the following:

<ul class="accordion" data-accordion>
	<li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item>
		<a href="" class="accordion-title">Accordion</a>
		<div class="accordion-content" data-tab-content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis quos cupiditate perspiciatis animi voluptates nostrum aut, aperiam ex nulla esse, molestiae adipisci iure harum hic. Architecto autem culpa, similique delectus!</div>
	<li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item>
		<a href="" class="accordion-title">Accordion</a>
		<div class="accordion-content" data-tab-content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis quos cupiditate perspiciatis animi voluptates nostrum aut, aperiam ex nulla esse, molestiae adipisci iure harum hic. Architecto autem culpa, similique delectus!</div>
	<li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item>
		<a href="" class="accordion-title">Accordion</a>
		<div class="accordion-content" data-tab-content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis quos cupiditate perspiciatis animi voluptates nostrum aut, aperiam ex nulla esse, molestiae adipisci iure harum hic. Architecto autem culpa, similique delectus!</div>
	<li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item>
		<a href="" class="accordion-title">Accordion</a>
		<div class="accordion-content" data-tab-content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis quos cupiditate perspiciatis animi voluptates nostrum aut, aperiam ex nulla esse, molestiae adipisci iure harum hic. Architecto autem culpa, similique delectus!</div>

You can now knock out a fully responsive sample site with demo content in it in no time.

##Here are the ones available: (for ease of use, I named them what they are so they can be easily located in the Foundation 6 docs)

  • "menu"
  • "menu:bar"
  • "menu:drop"
  • "menu:drop:vert"
  • "menu:drill"
  • "menu:accordian"
  • "button:tiny"
  • "button:small"
  • "button:large"
  • "button:expanded"
  • "button:expanded:small"
  • "button:group"
  • "button:group:small"
  • "button:group:expanded"
  • "button:group:stacked"
  • "button:group:stacked:small"
  • "button:group:stacked:medium"
  • "slider"
  • "slider:vert"
  • "switch"
  • "switch:tiny"
  • "switch:small"
  • "switch:large"
  • "switch:text"
  • "switch:radio"
  • "pagination"
  • "breadcrumbs"
  • "accordion"
  • "dropdown"
  • "dropdown:hover"
  • "off-canvas"
  • "modal"
  • "modal:tiny"
  • "modal:small"
  • "modal:large"
  • "modal:full"
  • "page"
  • "tables"
  • "tables:hover"
  • "tables:stack"
  • "tables:scroll"
  • "tabs"
  • "tabs:vert"
  • "video"
  • "video:youtube"
  • "video:vimeo"
  • "slider:image"
  • "slider:text"
  • "tooltip"
  • "equalize"


Foundation 6 snippets with options for Emmet in SublimeText 3