Bivis-s / EDU-AQA-Qase

A small test framework for the site written using BDD approach, my coursework on Automation QA courses

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A small test framework for the site written using BDD approach, my coursework on Automation QA courses


Technology stack:

  • Java 8
    • Maven
    • Lombok
    • Log4j
    • Gson
    • Javafaker
  • TestNG
  • Cucumber
  • Picocontainer
  • Selenium
  • WebDriverManager
  • REST Assured
  • Hamcrest


  • Strategy
  • Factory
  • Wrapper
  • Proxy
  • Page Object
  • Loadable Component
  • Page Element
  • Chain of invocation

I wrote a driver factory, it is now possible to configure the WebDriver from a separate properties file


# type is required (chrome or firefox), others are optional (default false)


And I wrote a mini-adapter for qase-api, now it's possible to create projects and suites by methods


Also, I wrote a proxy for WebDriver, now all its actions are logged


Tests themselves

Gherkin scenarios are located in src/test/resources/features

There are 10 tests in total, 1 for sign in, 1 for sign out (authorization.feature) and 8 for the main functionality (app.feature)

For example, one of them:

Scenario: Create a case without a suite with all valid data in a private project
  Given The 'existing_user' was created
  And A private project is created via api
  And The user is logged in
  And Open the created project
  When Click the `Create new case` button
  And Fill out case title, description, pre-conditions, post-conditions
  And Select random status, severity, priority, type, behavior, automation status
  And Click `Add step` button 2 times
  And Fill upt step number 1 action, input data, expected result with valid data
  And Fill upt step number 2 action, input data, expected result with valid data
  And Click the `Save` button
  And Open the created project
  And Enter a case name into search case field
  Then There is 1 the case without suite on the project page


Before running

Before run tests you need to set environment variables or properties in the src/test/resources/properties/ like this:

Please do not use special characters except _ in the property titles or environment variable names

Naming example for account with name accountname:

  • for login: accountname_login
  • for password: accountname_password
  • for api-token: accountname_api_token

Only an account with the name existing_user uses in the project presently


Similar environment variables in the test-system will be valid and have a higher priority


To run tests execute the command mvn test or mvn clean test (the last command clears the target before tests)

By default, tests run in parallel on two threads, but you can change this by adding a parameter -Ddataproviderthreadcount=n to the mvn command where n = count of threads

Also, you can run tests by tags, adding a parameter -Dcucumber.options="--tags t" to the mvn command where t = tag name, for example mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @caseId=4" will run only the test with the tag @caseId=4

After running

Cucumber report will be stored after tests in the path target/cucumber-html-reports


Execute command mvn allure:report to generate Allure report in the path target/site/allure-maven-plugin


(the test is specially made failed for showing screenshot attachment)


Also, you can attach TMS test run to maven test run by adding next parameters to the test run command:

-Dqase.enable=true -Dqase.project.code=c -Dqase.api.token=t


  • c - project code (from 2 to 6 latin upper chars)
  • i - test run id (integer)
  • t - Qase API token of the account that start test run

After that, the test results will be visible in TMS test run


To link auto-tests to test cases in TMS, the scenario tags @caseId should have valid id


A small test framework for the site written using BDD approach, my coursework on Automation QA courses


Language:Java 95.3%Language:Gherkin 4.7%