BitTheByte / Domainker

BugBounty Tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Python pypi package got removed. if you want to use this tool follow the steps below

  • Manual setup
git clone
cd Domainker
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

I developed this tool to be easily managed and upgraded so i created it as small plugin systems connected together

Plugins and usage

lib\plugins\experimental\ : [--cache-poisoning] Check if the host is vulnerable to cache poisoning
lib\plugins\   : [--crlf] Check if Host is Vulnerable To CRLF
lib\plugins\   : [--ports] Scan for most common open ports. You can also use your own ports --ports 123,456,789
lib\plugins\    : [--aws] Check if The Target is found on Amazon + Automatic uploading
lib\plugins\  : [--dns] Return Target cname
lib\plugins\    : [--url] Return Target Response Code [See the options for more details]
lib\plugins\ : [--struts] Attack Struts [CVE-2018-11776]
lib\plugins\    : [--put] Check if [PUT] Method is Enabled
lib\plugins\    : [--spf] Check For SPF Record

Basic usage

$ domainker -i [.. Plugins]
$ domainker -d mydomains_list.txt [.. Plugins]
$ domainker -d mydomains_list.txt --url
$ domainker -d mydomains_list.txt --dns

You could also use multiple plugins at the same time

$ domainker -d mydomains_list.txt --url --dns --aws ...
$ domainker -i --url --dns --aws ...


$ domainker --help
  • Create output file [--output/-o file_name]
  • Threads count [--threads/-t number]
  • Interesting files search [--interesting-files/-F] [--url / --all required]
  • Thread timeout [--thread-timeout/-T seconds]
  • Request timeout [--request-timeout/-rt seconds]


I want to add different formats at the future but currently this tool only supports this formats for the input file

Which generated by:

  • amass
  • aquatone (hosts.txt)
  • subfinder
  • sublist3r
    ... and many other subdomain finders



[Q] Why it's called Domainker?
[A] Originally this was a just checker script for domain availability so the name was originated from [Domain-Checker]

[Q] What is the tool for?
[A] This tool for bugbounty hunters to help them automate the boring tasks and find some low hanging bugs

[Q] Which Python version should i use?
[A] Python 2.7.16 (recommended) or Python 3.7.*

[Q] Does this tool support Python 3 ?
[A] Yes, Starting from 06/11/2019 python 3 is supported

[Q] I have an idea for you, what should i do?
[A] If you have already implemented your idea please make a pull request if not or don't know how to do it please open a new issue describing your idea in it