BitCurator / bitcurator-distro

BitCurator Environment: Using, building, and maintaining BitCurator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



GitHub issues GitHub forks

Follow this link to download the latest release

Building the BitCurator Environment

The BitCurator GitHub organization currently includes two repositories required to build the BitCurator environment:

The BitCurator environment is a customized variant of Ubuntu. Aside from the initial Ubuntu install, the process is fully automated by SaltStack. To get started with the deployment process, follow the link to bitcurator-salt above.

BitCurator documentation, help, and discussions

Visit the BitCurator wiki on GitHub to find the latest version of our Quickstart Guide.

Have a question, idea, or use case to share? Post it to the BitCurator Discussions board!

Some community maintained documentation and resources are available at the BitCurator Confluence instance hosted by Educopia. Note that the information on this site may lag behind the latest release(s).

Questions and comments can also be sent to the bitcurator-users Google Group.


The BitCurator logo, BitCurator project documentation, and other non-software products of the BitCurator team are subject to the the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Generic license (CC By 4.0).

Unless otherwise indicated, software items in this repository are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for additional details.

In addition to software produced by the BitCurator team, BitCurator packages and modifies open source software produced by other developers. Licenses and attributions are retained here where applicable.

Development Team and Support

The BitCurator environment is a product of the BitCurator team housed at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Funding between 2011 and 2014 was provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Ongoing community support is provided by the BitCurator Consortium. Find out more at:


BitCurator Environment: Using, building, and maintaining BitCurator

License:GNU General Public License v3.0