Billy99 / submariner-workflow

Set of scripts used to work with multiple Submariner Repositories

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Set of scripts used to work with multiple Submariner Repositories

Table of Contents


Submariner is implemented as a set of repositories. I have been having trouble coordinating and building between the different intertwined repositories. So to that end, I wrote a handful of scripts to help me manage. Also, my work-flow is probably a little different (development on a headless server and testing in a VM on that server), so additional script are used to keep changes in sync.

Multiple Repository Management (local)

The following scripts are used to manage the multiple repositories on the server (Development Server) I am coding on.


  • Clone this repository on the Development Server:

    mkdir -p /home/${USER}/src/; cd /home/${USER}/src/
    git clone
  • Run script to clone the Submariner repositories on the Development Server and copy scripts:

    cd  /home/${USER}/src/submariner-workflow/
    ./ local
  • Code away ...

  • Every so often, update all the repositories with latest upstream:

    cd  /home/${USER}/src/submariner-io/

See below for details about each script.

The script performs three actions:

  • Creates the base directory to clone the repositories in. The default location can be overwritten by updating the variable in the file or overwritten as an export variables (defaults shown below):

    export SUBMARINER_BASE_DIRECTORY="/home/${USER}/src/submariner-io"
  • Copy the scripts from this repo to the base directory. Only the needed scripts are copied based on mode to reduce confusion.

    • .\ or .\ local: Assumes this is where the coding is occurring (Development Server). Copies the scripts:, and
    • .\ remote: Assumes this is where the testing is occurring (Remote Server) and different from server coding on. Copies the scripts: and
  • git clones the set of repositories defined in the top of the script. If a subdirectory for the repository already exists (even if empty), it is ignored. The local repositories are not updated by this script if the directory already exists. Edit the script to change the list of repositories that are being managed. Below is the default set of repositories cloned:


The script loops through the set of existing cloned repositories and pulls the latest from upstream using git fetch and git rebase. The script will detect whether to pull from origin\devel, upstream\devel, or other.

NOTE: If the cloned repositories has any changes, then that cloned repository is skipped and manual update required. Handling merge conflicts was not worth the effort.

NOTE: If no changes are detected, this script also removes any images associated with the repo.

The script is just a set of variables used by multiple of the scripts, so placed in one file so there are not conflicting definitions.

Remote Testing (remote)

My setup maybe a little different. I code on my development server in the lab which is still CentOS. To test Submariner, needed Fedora 34 or higher, so I created a Fedora VM. But I already had my editor of choice and git setup the way I like it on the Development Server. So I code on the Development Server, then copy the changes to the VM (Remote Server). Where this may be applicable to others, I have a headless development server. Changes to the Submariner-Website repository can be tested locally, but need to connect to http://localhost:1313. I found it easy to rerun ./ remote on my laptop and test change from there, while still coding from my Development Server.

Workflow (assumes ./ local already run on Development Server and coding performed there):

  • Remote Server: Clone this repository on the Remote Server (VM, laptop, etc):

    mkdir -p /home/${USER}/src/; cd /home/${USER}/src/
    git clone
  • Remote Server: Run script to clone the Submariner repositories on the Remote Server and copy scripts:

    cd  /home/${USER}/src/submariner-workflow/
    ./ remote
  • Development Server: Code away on the Development Server ...

  • Development Server: When ready to test, generate diff files:

    cd  /home/${USER}/src/submariner-io/
  • Remote Server: Copy diff files from Development Server (assumes RSA Key has been copied so scp can be run without password prompt):

    cd  /home/${USER}/src/submariner-io/
  • Remote Server: Whenever all the repositories on the Development Server are updated with latest upstream, do the same on the Remote Server (adding update when calling

    cd  /home/${USER}/src/submariner-io/
    ./ update

See below for details about each script.

The script is intended to be run on the Development Server. It loops through all the cloned repositories and generates a diff file for each cloned repository. The diff is against HEAD, so if code is already committed, it will still be added to the diff file.

The script is intended to be run on the Remote Server. It loops through all the cloned repositories and runs the following actions:

  • Cleans up the cloned repository on the Remote Server by deleting any lingering diff files from previous runs and removes and existing changes by running git checkout ..

  • If update is passed in as a parameter, then updates the cloned repositories on Remote Server by pulling the latest from upstream using git fetch and git rebase. Unlike, because is cleaning up previous changes in the previous step, every cloned repository is updated. No manual updating is needed on Remote Server.

    cd  /home/${USER}/src/submariner-io/
    ./ update
  • Runs scp to copy the generated diff file from the Development Server. Caveats:

    • Assumes the same directory structure on both the Development Server and Remote Server.
    • Assumes RSA Key has been copied from the Remote Server to the Development Server so scp can run without being prompted for password.
    • scp is controlled by the following environment variables that can be updated in the file or overwritten as export variables (defaults shown below):
      export SUBMARINER_SERVER_IP=""
      export SUBMARINER_BASE_DIRECTORY="/home/${SUBMARINER_USER}/src/submariner-io"
  • If a diff file is copied, applies the diff file to the cloned repository on the Remote Server.


I found a couple of aliases useful that I added to my ~/.bashrc file. I added the changes to this repo as bashrc.diff.


  • subprep: After I start a set of clusters that are using submariner, I run this alias. It sets the KUBECONFIG properly.
    $ make deploy using=lighthouse
    $ subprep
    $ echo $KUBECONFIG
  • cdsub: This just changes directory to submariner-operator based on the base directory used above in the other scripts. It also runs subprep above.
    $ cdsub
    $ pwd
    $ echo $KUBECONFIG
  • c0 c1 c2 c3 c4: These aliases set the kubectl context for the desired cluster (cluster1, cluster2, ...) and updates the prompt to indicated the current cluster in use. c0 clears the prompt. This alias is DEPRECATED in favor of cx below, but still have it because I keep forgetting.
    [bmcfall@submariner-host-02 submariner-operator]$ c1
    Switched to context "cluster1".
    [bmcfall@submariner-host-02 submariner-operator c1]$ c0
    [bmcfall@submariner-host-02 submariner-operator]$
  • cx: As I started adding more than the default number of clusters to my deployment, I found my c1 type alias was not scalable. So cx is a function that takes one parameter, and the c0 - c4 now just call this function. This will allow a much larger set of clusters. This assumes the default cluster naming convention in submariner KIND of clusterx where x is some number. The cluster name prefix can be overwritten using SUB_CLUSTER_PREFIX. The full cluster name can also be entered if using another script. Also looks for ?, which returns the list of clusters created.
    $ cx 5
    Switched to context "cluster5".
    $ cx ?
              cluster1   cluster1   cluster1   
              cluster2   cluster2   cluster2   
              cluster3   cluster3   cluster3   
              cluster4   cluster4   cluster4   
    *         cluster5   cluster5   cluster5   
              cluster6   cluster6   cluster6   
    $ cx cluster2
    Switched to context "cluster2".
    NOTE: The context can be changed in other windows or by other commands, so the prompt is just a suggestion and may not always be correct.


Set of scripts used to work with multiple Submariner Repositories

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%