Bikcodeh / Meli-Challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

kotlin Android API

Meli - Challenge

Main Branch: Build status

⭐ Features

  • Search products from the Mercado Libre API and display them in a list.
  • Show error screen if try to fetch the data and doesn't have network connection.
  • See the detail from a specific product.
  • Unit tests for domain, data and presentation(viewmodel) layers (100% coverage)
  • This app supports dark theme and keep state even if the device rotates

πŸƒ For run the app just clone the repository and execute the app on Android Studio.

πŸ“‘ Requirements to install the app

  • Use phones with Android Api 26+
  • Having an internet connection
πŸ“‚ This application was developed using Kotlin and uses the following components:
  • Jetpack compose
  • Coroutines
  • Clean architecture (Domain, Data, Presentation)
  • MVVM
  • App center
  • Repository pattern
  • Use cases
  • StateFlow
  • Mutable State
  • Jetpack navigation compose
  • Lottie animations
  • Timber (Logs)
  • Dagger Hilt (Dependency injection)
  • Coil (Load images)
  • Retrofit (HTTP requests)
  • Pagination
  • Unit testing (Mockk, Thruth, Coroutines tests)

Structure per module





Core test

🌞 Screenshots Light theme

Splash Home Loading Products Detail
Detail Description Detail quantity modal Detail quantity textfiel modal Error Pagination error

🌚 Screenshots Dark Mode

Splash Home Loading Products Detail
Detail Description Detail quantity modal Detail quantity textfiel modal Error Pagination error

βœ… Code coverage

Unit testing for layers Domain, data and presentation (Viewmodels and Util class) with 100% coverage.

BaseViewModel DetailViewModel HomeViewModel MeliRepository
Product Description UC Search Products UC
Currency Util String extension

βœ… UI Testing Report

Splash - Home - Detail

🎯 Architecture

The application is built using Clean Architeture pattern based on Architecture Components on Android. The application is divided into three layers:

Clean Arquitecture

  • Domain: This layer contains the business logic of the application, here we define the data models and the use cases.
  • Data: This layer contains the data layer of the application. It contains the database, network and the repository implementation.
  • Presentation: This layer contains the presentation layer of the application.


