Hi, this is a A star algorithm for navigation, from any start point to any goal point as shown in picture. Just run "main.py" the cells are 4-connected (cannot go diagonally). The map is given by a numpy array each element is 1(wall) or 0(free). The coordinate is like
from 0 to map size-1
The example generates a random maze of size 15, 15, the goal is to go from 1, 1 to 13, 13, the planned path is given by
[array([1, 1]), array([1, 2]), array([1, 3]), array([1, 4]), array([1, 5]), array([2, 5]), array([3, 5]), array([4, 5]), array([5, 5]), array([6, 5]), array([7, 5]), array([8, 5]), array([9, 5]), array([10, 5]), array([11, 5]), array([12, 5]), array([13, 5]), array([13, 6]), array([13, 7]), array([13, 8]), array([13, 9]), array([13, 10]), array([13, 11]), array([13, 12]), array([13, 13])]