Bigomby / offline-phragmen

Scrapes the current validator/nominator candidates and predict the result.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Offline Phragmen

Simple script that runs the phragmen method on the current validator candidates of a locally running substrate chain.

How to use

offline-phragmen 0.1
Kian Paimani <>
Runs the phragmen election algorithm of any substrate chain with staking module offline (aka. off the chain) and
predicts the results.

    offline-phragmen [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --count <count>            count of member/validators to elect. Default is 50.
    -i, --iters <iterations>       number of post-processing iterations to run. Default is 2
    -m, --min-count <min-count>    minimum number of members/validators to elect. If less candidates are available,
                                   phragmen will go south. Default is 0.
    -n, --network <network>        network address format. Can be kusama|polkadot|substrate. Default is kusama.
    -o, --output <output>          json output file name. dumps the results into if given.
    -u, --uri <uri>                websockets uri of the substrate node. Default is ws://localhost:9944.

Connecting to a node

By default it will attempt to connect to a locally running node running at ws://

Connect to a different node using the --uri argument e.g. --uri wss://

Uri Format

  • ws:// prefix: plain (unencrypted) websockets connection.
  • wss:// prefix: TLS (encrypted) websockets connection.

Phrag.. what?

Read more about the phragmen's method here. What substrate/core/phragmen code implements is the sequential method with two iterations of postprocessing. This is fixed for now, since it is also fixed in srml-staking and might change over time.

The repository is just an RPC wrapper around the code in substrate.


Is it sorted based on stake?

NOT AT ALL. Phragmen's main objective is to maximise the minimum amount at stake, aka. slot stake which is also outputted per execution.

Will my validator keep its spot if more slots become available?

FOR SURE YES. Phragmen choses the results in order. if you ask for 10 elected candidates, and then 50, the first 10 will be the same in the two runs, given the same input. For example, your validator in spot 21 should always be in spot 21, regardless of if you ask for 30 or 40 elected candidates.

Note that since we do the post-processing, the nominations that your candidate end up with migh differ if more slots become available. Hence, the total stake of your candidate might also differ.


Scrapes the current validator/nominator candidates and predict the result.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 100.0%