BiTronicHHH / mystic-rune-airdrop-tool-backend

This is Rune airdrop platform backend (Runestone) - different amount's rune token airdrop | same amount 's rune token airdrop in one runestone.

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Mystic Runestone Airdrop Tool Backend


The Runestone Airdrop Backend is a server application that facilitates the airdrop of Runestone tokens. The backend is developed using Node.js and Express.js and includes API endpoints for various functionalities such as redeeming fees, estimating transaction fees, and managing different amounts for airdrops. The project also integrates Swagger UI for API documentation.

Project Structure

├── config/
│   └── config.ts
├── routes
│   └── AirdropRoute
│        ├── different-amount.route.ts
│        ├── large-different-amount.route.ts
│        ├── large-different-amount-airdrop.route.ts
│        ├── same-amount.route.ts
│   └── EstimateRoute
│        ├── different-amount-estimate.route.ts
│        ├── same-amount-estimate.route.ts
│   └── SubRoute
│        └── runestone-fee.route.ts
├── service/
│   └── psbt/
│       ├── CreateAirdropRunestonePsbt.ts
│       ├── redeemRunestoneAmountRunestone.ts
│       ├── redeemRunestoneSameAmount.ts
│       ├── RuneOne.ts
│       ├── RuneSub.ts
│       └── SameAmountEstimate.ts
├── test/
│   ├── CreateTest.ts
│   ├── freeTierAirdrop.ts
│   ├── matchTests.ts
│   └── MWtests.ts
├── utils/
│   ├── blockcypher.api.ts
│   ├── mempool.api.ts
│   ├── TS
│   │   ├── mw.ts
│   │   └── TsUtils.ts
│   └── unisat.api.ts
├── .env.example
├── package.json
├── swagger.yaml
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd rune-airdrop-backend
  2. Install dependencies:

    yarn install
  3. Create a .env file:

    cp .env.example .env
  4. Configure the environment variables in .env file:



  1. Start the server:

    yarn dev
  2. The server should be running on the specified port. You can visit http://localhost:[PORT] to check if the server is up and running.

  3. Access the API documentation via Swagger UI at http://localhost:[PORT]/api-docs.

API Endpoints

Here are some key API endpoints provided by the backend:

  • GET /: Check if the backend server is running.
  • POST /api/redeem-fee: Redeem Runestone fees.
  • POST /api/same-amount: Handle airdrops with the same amount.
  • POST /api/different-amount: Handle airdrops with different amounts.
  • POST /api/large-different-amount: Handle large different amount airdrops.
  • POST /api/large-different-amount-airdrop: Handle large airdrop transactions with different amounts.
  • POST /api/estimate/same-amount: Estimate transaction fee for same amount airdrop.
  • POST /api/estimate/different-amount: Estimate transaction fee for different amount airdrop.


  • CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is enabled using the cors package.
  • Body-Parser: JSON and URL-encoded data parsing with body-parser and express.json.


Swagger UI is integrated to provide interactive API documentation. The swagger.yaml file is required to configure API documentation, which can be accessed at /api-docs.


Mutex from async-mutex is used for API rate limit protection functionality.

Global Variables

  • app.locals.walletIndex: Global iterator for wallet management.
  • app.locals.iterator: Global iterator for unisat API distribution.

Swagger Usage

Base URL

The base URL for the API is:

  • Development: http://localhost:5000/api
  • Production:


Different Amount Rune Airdrop

  • Description: Transfer different amounts of Rune tokens to different addresses
  • Endpoint: /different-amount
  • HTTP Method: POST

Large Different Amount Rune Airdrop

  • Description: Transfer different amounts of Rune tokens to different addresses (for a large number of addresses)
  • Endpoint: /large-different-amount
  • HTTP Method: POST

Large Different Amount Rune Airdrop (Execute)

  • Description: Execute the large different amount Rune Airdrop with a pre-generated transaction ID
  • Endpoint: /large-different-amount-airdrop
  • HTTP Method: POST

Same Amount Rune Airdrop

  • Description: Transfer the same amount of Rune tokens to different addresses
  • Endpoint: /same-amount
  • HTTP Method: POST

Calculate Runestone Transaction Fee

  • Description: Calculate the fee for a runestone transaction
  • Endpoint: /runestone-fee
  • HTTP Method: GET

Estimate Different Amount Rune Airdrop

  • Description: Estimate the different amount Rune Airdrop
  • Endpoint: /estimate/different-amount
  • HTTP Method: POST

Estimate Same Amount Rune Airdrop

  • Description: Estimate the same amount Rune Airdrop
  • Endpoint: /estimate/same-amount
  • HTTP Method: POST

Error Handling

In case of errors, the API responds with appropriate HTTP status codes along with error messages in the response body.


This is Rune airdrop platform backend (Runestone) - different amount's rune token airdrop | same amount 's rune token airdrop in one runestone.


Language:TypeScript 100.0%