Bi8bo06 / DDEasyMarker

A library for marking text in html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


easy-marker is a library for marking text in html. An example is as follows:



npm i easy-marker


import EasyMarker from 'easy-marker'

const easyMarker = new EasyMarker
const container = document.querySelector('xxxx')


new EasyMarker(options)

Creates an instance of EasyMarker.

Param Type Description
options Object options
options.menuItems Array.<Object> menu item option
options.menuItems[].text string menu text
options.menuItems[].handler menuClickHandler menu item click handler
options.menuTopOffset number | string the offset from the top of the menu relative screen, default 0.
options.menuStyle Object the menu style Object the menu style
options.menuStyle.triangle Object the triangle style
options.menuStyle.item Object the sub menu style
options.disableTapHighlight Object disable highlight when tap
options.cursor Object cursor config
options.cursor.color Object cursor color
options.cursor.same Object whether the cursor is in the same direction
options.mask Object mask config
options.mask.color Object mask color
options.highlight Object highlight config
options.highlight.color Object highlight color
options.scrollSpeedLevel number The speed of scrolling when touching bottom, default 4
options.scrollOffsetBottom number | string The distance from the bottom when triggering scrolling,default 100
options.markdownOptions Object Customize options about the mapping relations between HTML and Markdown


// A simple example
const em = new EasyMarker({
  menuItems: [
      text: '划线笔记',
      handler: function (data) {
        console.log('划线笔记', data, this)
      text: '分享',
      handler: (data) => {console.log('分享',data)}
      text: '复制',
      handler: (data) => {console.log('分享',data)}


// a markdown example
const em = new EasyMarker({
scrollSpeedLevel: 6,
scrollOffsetBottom: '1.5rem',
menuItems: [
     text: '划线笔记',
     handler: function (data) {
       console.log('划线笔记', data)
     text: '分享',
     handler: (data) => { console.log(data.toMarkdown())}
     text: '复制',
     handler: (data) => {
// Not required
 markdownOptions: {
  H1: text => `\n# ${text}\n\n`,
  H2: text => `\n## ${text}\n\n`,
  H3: text => `\n### ${text}\n\n`,
  H4: text => `\n#### ${text}\n\n`,
  H5: text => `\n##### ${text}\n\n`,
  H6: text => `\n###### ${text}\n\n`,
  P: text => `${text}\n\n`,
  FIGCAPTION: text => `${text}\n\n`,
  STRONG: text => `**${text}**`,
  B: text => `**${text}**`,
  EM: text => `*${text}*`,
  I: text => `*${text}*`,
  S: text => `~~${text}~~`,
  INS: text => `++${text}++`,
  // IMG
  // option.alt: IMG alt
  // option.src: IMG src
  // option.width: IMG width
  // option.height: IMG height
  IMG: option => `![${option.alt}](${option.src}?size=${option.width}x${option.height})\n`,
  // UL
  // option.listLevel: List nesting level
  UL: (text, option) => {
    if (option.listLevel > 1) {
      return `\n${text}`
    return `\n${text}\n`
  // OL
  // option.listLevel: List nesting level
  OL: (text, option) => {
    if (option.listLevel > 1) {
      return `\n${text}`
    return `\n${text}\n`
  // LI
  // option.type: parentNode nodeName,
  // option.isLastOne: Whether the last item in the list
  // option.itemLevel: List nesting level
  // option.hasChild: Is the node has child node
  // option.index: The index in the list
  LI: (text, option) => {
    let spaceString = ''
    for (let i = 1; i < option.itemLevel; i++) { spaceString += '    ' }
    let endString = '\n'
    if (option.hasChild || option.isLastOne) {
      endString = ''
    if (option.type === 'UL') { return `${spaceString}- ${text}${endString}` }
    return `${spaceString}${option.index}. ${text}${endString}`

em.create(document.querySelector('.article-body'), document.body)

easyMarker.create(containerElement, [scrollContainerElement], [excludeElements])


Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

Param Type Description
containerElement HTMLElement container element
[scrollContainerElement] HTMLElement scroll container element
[excludeElements] Array.<HTMLElement> not included elements

easyMarker.getSelectText() ⇒ string

Get the selected text

Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

easyMarker.highlightLine(selection, [id], [meta])

Highlight the lines between the specified nodes

Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

Param Type Description
selection Object selection
selection.anchorNode Node start node
selection.anchorOffset number start node's text offset
selection.focusNode Node end node
selection.focusOffset number start node's text offset
[id] * line id
[meta] * meta information


const id = 2;
const selection = {
  anchorNode: textNodeA,
  anchorOffset: 1,
  focusNode: textNodeB,
  focusOffset: 2
const meta = { someKey: 'someValue' };
em.highlightLine(selection, id, meta);


Highlight multiple lines

Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

Param Type
lines Array.<Object>
[lines[].id] *
[lines[].meta] *
lines[].selection Object
lines[].selection.anchorNode Node
lines[].selection.anchorOffset number
lines[].selection.focusNode Node
lines[].selection.focusOffset number


const id = 2;
const selection = {
  anchorNode: textNodeA,
  anchorOffset: 1,
  focusNode: textNodeB,
  focusOffset: 2
const meta = { someKey: 'someValue' };
em.highlightLines([{selection, id, meta}]);

easyMarker.cancelHighlightLine(id) ⇒ boolean

Cancel highlight

Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

Param Type Description
id * line ID


Highlight line click handler

Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

Param Type
cb highlightLineClickHandler


Select status changing callback

Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

Param Type
cb function


Register event hook

Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

Param Type
cb *


Destroy instance

Kind: instance method of EasyMarker

EasyMarker.create(containerElement, [scrollContainerElement], [excludeElements]) ⇒ EasyMarker

Initialization factory

Kind: static method of EasyMarker

Param Type Description
containerElement HTMLElement container element
[scrollContainerElement] HTMLElement scroll container element
[excludeElements] Array.<HTMLElement> not included elements

EasyMarker~menuClickHandler : function

Menu item click handler

Kind: inner typedef of EasyMarker

Param Type Description
selection Object selection
selection.anchorNode Node start node
selection.anchorOffset number start node's text offset
selection.focusNode Node end node
selection.focusOffset number start node's text offset

EasyMarker~highlightLineClickHandler : function

Menu item click handler

Kind: inner typedef of EasyMarker

Param Type Description
id * line ID
meta * meta information
selection Object selection
selection.anchorNode Node start node
selection.anchorOffset number start node's text offset
selection.focusNode Node end node
selection.focusOffset number start node's text offset


A library for marking text in html

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%