Bhaumik182001's repositories


Tripster web app users with the accommodation listings based on date range, number of guests, and location. Next.js incorporated with tailwind CSS helps make robust, pleasant-looking, and stable UI. The entire application is responsive and adapts devices with different aspect ratios. Server-side rendering is used to deliver high-quality templates.



BuzzBox web application is inspired by modern social media applications like Twitter and Reddit. This application lets the user be authenticated by trusted providers using next-auth. Authenticated users have the ability to create posts, spaces, upvote, downvote, comment, and share posts in real time.



CryptoPunk-NFTMarketplace lets users buy NFTs provided on the Dapp. Each user is authenticated using MetaMask. Each NFT on click leads to the unique page dedicated to the details of the NFT, like creator, image, and pricing. Each transaction can be verified through EtherScan. Admins have the ability to host NFT with the desired pricing.



Moviepedia web app provides users with movies and tv series based on the genre selected. Next.js incorporated with tailwind CSS helps make robust, pleasant-looking, and stable UI. The entire application is responsive and adapts the devices with different aspect ratios. Server-side rendering is used to deliver high-quality templates with minimum delay in the rendering. tmdb API is used here to fetch data for the web application



Robinhood-inspired token swapper helps users to own custom asset tokens from the application by initially investing Ethereum in exchange for tokens. Sidebar helps in keeping track of cryptocurrencies' performance through real-time API. The user is provided with the ability to view the balance of the connected wallet of MetaMask. Each transaction can be verified through Etherscan or by scanning the QR code. Record for each authentication and transaction is stored in Sanity database



Config files for my GitHub profile.



Portfolio website with custom domain to showcase Personal Projects and Skills.
