BhadraNivedita / Some-error-in-R-packages-and-how-to-resolve

This repository is a collection of error we very often encounter while running R packages. SOmetimes there are few points to be taken into account to get rid of the errors. I have note down problems I have faced over the years.

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This repository is a collection of error we very often encounter while running R packages. Sometimes there are a few points to be taken into account to get rid of the errors. I have noted down problems I have faced over the years.

boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular') while running glmer function.

When you receive the warning message "boundary (singular) fit" in the context of a glmer (generalized linear mixed-effects model) in R, it indicates that there may be a singularity issue in the model. Singular fits can arise from various issues, such as overparameterization, multicollinearity, or an insufficient number of observations relative to the complexity of the model.

Here are some considerations when encountering this warning:

Understand the Warning:

The warning suggests that there might be problems with the estimation of the model parameters due to singularity. It's a signal that the model might be too complex for the available data.

Evaluate Model Fit:

Assess the overall fit of your model. You can use diagnostic tools, such as residual plots, to check how well the model captures the patterns in the data.

Check Model Stability:

If your model is unstable due to singularity, the estimated coefficients may be unreliable. Unstable models can lead to wide confidence intervals and difficulties in making valid inferences. Examine Variable Importance:

Consider the importance of the variables included in your model. If the singularity is related to a specific variable or set of variables, evaluate whether they are crucial for your research question. Simplify the Model:

Review the model structure and simplify it if needed. Remove non-essential fixed or random effects, or reconsider the inclusion of certain variables.

Investigate Collinearity:

Check for collinearity among predictors. High collinearity can lead to singular fits. Examine the correlation matrix or calculate variance inflation factors (VIFs). Review Grouping Structure:

If you have random effects, assess the grouping structure. Too many random effects for a small number of groups can lead to singularity issues. Consult Statistical Literature or Experts:

If the warning persists and you're uncertain about the appropriate steps to take, consult statistical literature or seek advice from experts in the field. Check for Convergence:

Verify if the model has converged. Sometimes, a lack of convergence can contribute to singular fits. You can check convergence using the convergence information in the model summary.


This repository is a collection of error we very often encounter while running R packages. SOmetimes there are few points to be taken into account to get rid of the errors. I have note down problems I have faced over the years.