This repository contains all scripts regarding installation, configuration and experimentation with DL frameworks. I have spent some months collecting small bits of codes and bug fixes, then I compiled into different scripts that hopefully will aid more Jetson TX2/TX1 developers. Also, this repo contains famous CNN models from MxNet and PyTorch.
- Provide install guides and tips for ARM users.
- Implement famous models on MxNet and PyTorch.
- Perform experimentations with all models under controlled environment.
- Organize results and plot graphs.
- Compare performance and draw results.
- Write dissertation and article.
- Create presentation.
- Defend presentation.
- MsC title obtained in 11/01/2022
I'm Breno Fanchiotti Zanchetta, age 27, born in Brazil. Graduated in Computer Engineering at FURG and currently pursuing my Masters degree on UFRGS. If you would like to help with any points of this repo or desires to ask something, feel free to ask/comment anything by launching an issue or e-mailing me at bfzanchetta@{,,
I have also taken the liberty of investigating Big Data frameworks and how they might be used in Jetson TX2. Some of the download/configuration scripts are also contained in this repo, even though it is not the main focus of this work.
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