BetaPackets / BetaPackets

The ultimate standalone Minecraft protocol library for all platforms and all Minecraft versions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The ultimate standalone Minecraft protocol library for all platforms and all Minecraft versions

Note: This project is in very early development and not ready for production use!

Why another protocol library?

The idea of BetaPackets is to develop a protocol library that is not based on any platform, the BetaPackets core is based only on Netty and can be implemented on anything, this ensures that this protocol library works on any server software with the same API.

Design ideology

BetaPackets reads all packets and writes them exactly as they were read, which means that BetaPackets does not intercept invalid packets itself, but simply passes them on in the pipeline. BetaPackets tries to map everything possible into Java models, and gives the user the raw but also the model data.

Example: Design1 Where is an enum with all possible animations of the respective version, and the Short is simply the raw type that is in the vanilla packet.


If you encounter any issues, please report them on the issue tracker.
If you just want to talk or need help with BetaPackets feel free to join my Discord.

How to add this to your project


To use BetaPackets with Gradle/Maven you can use this Maven server or Jitpack.
You can also find instructions how to implement it into your build script there.

Jar File

If you just want the latest jar file you can download it from the GitHub Actions.

How to use?

The BetaPacketsAPI has 3 listeners, ClientboundPacketListener, ServerboundPacketListener and PlayerEarlyJoinPacketListener.

Method name in BetaPacketsAPI When it is called Parameter Cancellable
registerOutgoingPacketListener When the server sends a packet to a player UserConnection, NetworkState, Packet, Player object yes
registerIncomingPacketListener When the server receives a packet from a player UserConnection, NetworkState, Packet, Player object yes
registerPlayerEarlyJoinListener When a player has gone through the login process and the server sends the JoinGame packet Player UUID, Player Name, Protocol Version no

The API access methods return the listener as instance and can be called via BetaPackets.getAPI(). The BetaPackets API also has a remove method for all listeners where you have to specify the instance of the respective listener.

Example java code

BetaPackets.getAPI().registerIncomingPacketListener(event -> {
    if (event.packet instanceof LoginSuccessS2CPacket) {
        final LoginSuccessS2CPacket packet = (LoginSuccessS2CPacket) event.packet;

        if (packet.username.equals("Kevin")) {
            event.cancel(); // Packet won't be sent to the server/next element in the netty pipeline

Project structure

BetaPackets is divided into three major sections, common, api and all the platform implementations.

common api platform implementations (bungeecord)
What does it do? Contains all Packet Models and the corresponding Data Structures, but also all ByteBuffers as well as the UserConnection and all Packet Registries and the Base for them. Contains the BetaPacketsPlatform base for the platform implementations, the Netty elements, converters and utils as well as the BetaPacketsAPI with all events. Contains the API implementation for the respective platform
Dependencies netty common, netty common, api, platform plugin api

Implementing BetaPackets in your own software/platform

BetaPackets is implemented by default on all major server platforms, in case you want to use this library in your own proxy or include it in a new server software, you need to do the following:

// The object in the generic is what reflects a player or connection on your platform, 
// for example the Player interface in Bukkit or the ProxiedPlayer class in BungeeCord.
public class TestPlatformImpl implements BetaPacketsPlatform<Object> {
    private final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("TestPlatform");
    public Logger getLogging() {
        return logger;

    public String getPlatformName() {
        return "TestPlatform";

    public Object getPlayer(UUID uuid) {
        return null; // This method must be built in by yourself

Now, to properly include BetaPackets in the Netty pipeline, it is recommended to use the BetaPacketsPipeline, for this you make your own pipeline class for your platform in which you inherit the BetaPacketsPipeline:

public class TestPlatformPipeline extends BetaPacketsPipeline {

    public TestPlatformPipeline(UserConnection userConnection) {

    public void handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {

        // This line ensures that the pipeline automatically reorders itself after compression
    // In these getters you now define what the compression handler and the decoder/encoder handler in your Netty pipeline are called
    public String getPacketDecompressName() { return null; }

    public String getPacketCompressName() { return null; }

    public String getPacketDecoderName() { return null; }

    public String getPacketEncoderName() { return null; }

Now you simply add this TestPlatformPipeline as the first element in the Netty pipeline of a user/connection:

ctx.pipeline().addFirst(new BungeeCordBetaPacketsPipeline(new UserConnection(;

Some networking notes:

  • If you want to move the BetaPacketsDecoder and BetaPacketsEncoder in the pipeline globally, you can call the ReorderPipelineEvent with a target decoder and encoder, the BetaPackets handlers will then be placed in front of the target decoder/encoder
ctx.pipeline().fireUserEventTriggered(new ReorderPipelineEvent("target-decoder", "target-encoder"));
  • The implementation is not designed for codecs because most Minecraft pipelines don't use codecs, there is a BetaPacketsCodec but no pipeline class, that means you have to implement compression yourself.


Dependency Download


  • 1.8 packets and models
  • chunks and effect translations
  • 1.9 packets and models
  • proper BungeeCord implementation and Spigot implementation


The ultimate standalone Minecraft protocol library for all platforms and all Minecraft versions

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%