BetaNYC / 3114organizers

311 for organizers: turning 311 data into an informative, essential tool for local action

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Using 311 data for community organizing in NYC

Rough notes from the BetaNYC evening at Blue Ridge Foundation, October 2nd, 2013. Please extend/comment!

Who’s interested and why? (from the email thread)

  • I'm really interested in diving deep into 311 data to understand it's reliability and alignment with on-the-ground issues. -- Jessie Braden, SAVI at Pratt.
  • I adapted the Socrata API to Open311 spec a few months ago, but that project ran out of steam. This could be a good opportunity to expand in the same direction. -- Volkan Unsal
  • My partner and I have been looking at 311 data and working with it to help small businesses. We've been looking at clusters of repeat kinds of concerns and also overlaying what different kinds of concerns you see based on census and other data (like proximity to schools etc). -- Aileen Gemma Smith
  • I'm happy to help with some dashboard implementation/mapping! -- Chris Whong
  • We're happy to jump-in as well. Additionally this competition that we (seeclickfix) are hosting with David Eaves, Kaggle and Microsoft would be a great avenue for finding folks. Folks here should collaborate as well if you're interested.
  • Count us in too. We're already slicing 311 data hyperlocally and correlating it with other neighborhood indicators. Maybe we can start hyperlocally slicing it on community district boundaries. -- Joel Natividad

How do we get started?

  • Make a strawman and take it to the board.
  • A tool that takes the 311 data and shows it by district, with trends.
  • Liquor license decision tool
  • also useful for people who are applying for liquor licenses
  • A roundup of stuff that happened in the district last week
  • Get a person from a community board to share concerns with us <<----- THIS!!

Existing tools

Next step:

  • talk to potential users of 311 tools.


311 for organizers: turning 311 data into an informative, essential tool for local action