BertaBescos / DynaSLAM

DynaSLAM is a SLAM system robust in dynamic environments for monocular, stereo and RGB-D setups

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Could you give me an example of Mask, Maskdil and Mask after minus Maskdil?

linpeisensh opened this issue · comments

Thank you for your excellent work!
1.Could you give me an example of Mask, Maskdil and Mask after minus Maskdil from this code in line 97 of Examples/Stereo/

if (argc == 5){
            cv::Mat maskLeftRCNN, maskRightRCNN;
            maskLeftRCNN = MaskNet->GetSegmentation(imLeft, string(argv[4])+"/imLeft",
                    vstrImageLeft[ni].replace(vstrImageLeft[ni].begin(), vstrImageLeft[ni].end() - 10,""));
            maskRightRCNN = MaskNet->GetSegmentation(imRight, string(argv[4])+"/imRight",
                    vstrImageRight[ni].replace(vstrImageRight[ni].begin(), vstrImageRight[ni].end() - 10,""));
            cv::Mat maskLeftRCNNdil = maskLeftRCNN.clone();
            cv::dilate(maskLeftRCNN, maskLeftRCNNdil, kernel);
            maskLeft = maskLeft - maskLeftRCNNdil;
            cv::Mat maskRightRCNNdil = maskRightRCNN.clone();
            cv::dilate(maskRightRCNN, maskRightRCNNdil, kernel);
            maskRight = maskRight - maskRightRCNNdil;

I try to run it, but my CUDA version is 11.x, it is very hard to work with tensorflow 1.x.
2.Is it possible run segmentation part with CPU?