Bert-Proesmans / MagixUI

Launch processes on the interactive desktop from LOCAL SYSTEM

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Command line interface (CLI) binaries for non-kosher shenanigans.

Magix Hide

Create a child process that doesn't hang the terminal running your script.

YEET that process out of here!


The binary support some configuration options.

  • --help
    • Print all options and their description
  • --wait
    • Wait for the child process to exit before continuing => --wait
    • Wait for the child process to exit, or timeout after 5000 milliseconds => --wait=5000
  • --stdin/--stdout/--stderr
    • Bind respective input/output (IO) streams to a file => --stdin=
    • Bind output stream to another => --stdout= --stderr=stdout

Run notepad as detached child process

yeet.exe "$($env:SystemRoot)\notepad.exe" "$($env:UserProfile)\Desktop\new-document.txt"

Run CMD as detached child process while collecting console output

yeet.exe --stdout=./output.log --stderr=stdout -- "$($env:ComSpec)" "/C ECHO Hello from CMD!"

Display windows version waiting 10 seconds for the process to close

yeet.exe --wait=10000 -- "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath("SYSTEM"))\winver.exe"

Magix Sneak

Run a child process with permissions of another user.


Magix Tada

Run a child process inside another session on the local computer.



Launch processes on the interactive desktop from LOCAL SYSTEM


Language:Rust 100.0%