BergerAPI / various

Various small but handy typescript packages I've made. Everything is contained in a monorepo to improve productivity and reduce boilerplate.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

various typescript libraries


This is a monorepo of various packages I've authored. A handful of them are published under the @paperdave namespace, but not a hard requirement. Most of the packages are reusable utilities for my other projects, as well as configurations. I use a monorepo so I don't have dozens of repositories on GitHub, and I can centralize the automation and workflow- It makes my life easier.


Package Description
npm Extremely thorough, but opinionated ESLint config.
npm Extremely thorough, but opinionated Prettier config.
npm Common utility functions and TypeScript types.
npm Another event emitter library, with easy TS types.
npm Versitle logging with spinners and progress bars.



Various small but handy typescript packages I've made. Everything is contained in a monorepo to improve productivity and reduce boilerplate.


Language:TypeScript 66.4%Language:JavaScript 33.6%