Beomi / django-summernote

Simply integrate Summernote editor with Django project.

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Summernote is a simple WYSIWYG editor.

django-summernote allows you to embed Summernote into Django very handy. Support admin mixins and widgets.



  1. Install django-summernote to your python environment.

     pip install django-summernote
  2. Add django_summernote to INSTALLED_APP in

     INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_summernote', )
  3. Add django_summernote.urls to

     urlpatterns = [
         url(r'^summernote/', include('django_summernote.urls')),
  4. Be sure to set proper MEDIA_URL for attachments.

    • The following is an example test code:

      MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
      MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media/')
    • When debug option is enabled(DEBUG=True), DO NOT forget to add urlpatterns as shown below:

       from django.conf import settings
       from django.conf.urls.static import static
       if settings.DEBUG:
           urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    • Please, read the official document more in detail:

  5. Run database migration for preparing attachment model.

     python migrate


Django admin site

Apply summernote to all TextField in model


from django_summernote.admin import SummernoteModelAdmin
from .models import SomeModel

# Apply summernote to all TextField in model.
class SomeModelAdmin(SummernoteModelAdmin):  # instead of ModelAdmin
    ..., SomeModelAdmin)

Apply summernote to not all TextField in model

Although Post model has several TextField, only content field will have SummernoteWidget.


from django import forms
from django.contrib import admin
from django_summernote.widgets import SummernoteWidget    
from .models import Post

class PostAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Post
        widgets = {
            'content': SummernoteWidget(),
        fields = '__all__'   

class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = PostAdminForm
    ..., PostAdmin)


In forms,

from django_summernote.widgets import SummernoteWidget, SummernoteInplaceWidget

# Apply summernote to specific fields.
class SomeForm(forms.Form):
    foo = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteWidget())  # instead of forms.Textarea

# If you don't like <iframe>, then use inplace widget
# Or if you're using django-crispy-forms, please use this.
class AnotherForm(forms.Form):
    bar = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteInplaceWidget())

And for ModelForm,

class FormFromSomeModel(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = SomeModel
        widgets = {
            'foo': SummernoteWidget(),
            'bar': SummernoteInplaceWidget(),

Last, please don't forget to use safe templatetag while displaying in templates.

{{ foobar|safe }}


Support customization via settings. Put SUMMERNOTE_CONFIG into your settings file.


    # Using SummernoteWidget - iframe mode
    'iframe': True,  # or set False to use SummernoteInplaceWidget - no iframe mode

    # Using Summernote Air-mode
    'airMode': False,

    # Use native HTML tags (`<b>`, `<i>`, ...) instead of style attributes
    # (Firefox, Chrome only)
    'styleWithTags': True,

    # Set text direction : 'left to right' is default.
    'direction': 'ltr',

    # Change editor size
    'width': '100%',
    'height': '480',

    # Use proper language setting automatically (default)
    'lang': None,

    # Or, set editor language/locale forcely
    'lang': 'ko-KR',

    # Customize toolbar buttons
    'toolbar': [
        ['style', ['style']],
        ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']],
        ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'height']],
        ['insert', ['link']],

    # Need authentication while uploading attachments.
    'attachment_require_authentication': True,

    # Set `upload_to` function for attachments.
    'attachment_upload_to': my_custom_upload_to_func(),

    # Set custom storage class for attachments.
    'attachment_storage_class': '',

    # Set custom model for attachments (default: 'django_summernote.Attachment')
    'attachment_model': 'my.custom.attachment.model', # must inherit 'django_summernote.AbstractAttachment'

    # Set common css/js media files
    'base_css': (
    'base_js': (
    'default_css': (
        os.path.join(STATIC_URL, 'django_summernote/summernote.css'),
        os.path.join(STATIC_URL, 'django_summernote/django_summernote.css'),
    'default_js': (
        os.path.join(STATIC_URL, 'django_summernote/jquery.ui.widget.js'),
        os.path.join(STATIC_URL, 'django_summernote/jquery.iframe-transport.js'),
        os.path.join(STATIC_URL, 'django_summernote/jquery.fileupload.js'),
        os.path.join(STATIC_URL, 'django_summernote/summernote.min.js'),

    # You can add custom css/js for SummernoteWidget.
    'css': (
    'js': (

    # You can also add custom css/js for SummernoteInplaceWidget.
    # !!! Be sure to put {{ }} in template before initiate summernote.
    'css_for_inplace': (
    'js_for_inplace': (

    # You can disable file upload feature.
    'disable_upload': False,

    # Codemirror as codeview
    # If any codemirror settings are defined, it will include codemirror files automatically.
    'css': {
    'codemirror': {
        'mode': 'htmlmixed',
        'lineNumbers': 'true',

        # You have to include theme file in 'css' or 'css_for_inplace' before using it.
        'theme': 'monokai',

    # Lazy initialize
    # If you want to initialize summernote at the bottom of page, set this as True
    # and call `initSummernote()` on your page.
    'lazy': True,

    # To use external plugins,
    # Include them within `css` and `js`.
    'js': {
    # You can also add custom settings in `summernote` section.
    'summernote': {
        'print': {
            'stylesheetUrl': '/some_static_folder/printable.css',

Or, you can styling editor via attributes of the widget. These adhoc styling will override settings from SUMMERNOTE_CONFIG.

# Apply adhoc style via attributes
class SomeForm(forms.Form):
    foo = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteWidget(attrs={'width': '50%', 'height': '400px'}))

You can also pass additional parameters to custom Attachment model by adding attributes to SummernoteWidget or SummernoteInplaceWidget, any attribute starting with data- will be pass to the save(...) method of custom Attachment model as **kwargs.

# Pass additional parameters to Attachment via attributes
class SomeForm(forms.Form):
    foo = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteWidget(attrs={'data-user-id': 123456, 'data-device': 'iphone'}))


django-summernote does currently not support upload of non-image files.


django-summernote is distributed under MIT license.


Simply integrate Summernote editor with Django project.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 77.6%Language:Python 18.4%Language:HTML 3.9%Language:CSS 0.1%