BenjaminBrodwolf / ML_NLP

AI Study Projects: Machine Learning (ML) & Natural Language Processing (NLP)

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AI Study Projects:

Machine Learning (ML) & Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Machine Learning

  • Assignment 1: Estimate real estate prices using linear regression with multiple independent variables. (MatLab-Project)
  • Assignment 2: Development of logistic regression classifiers for binary and multiclass classification problems. (Python-Notebook)
  • Assignment 3: Clustering of the housing dataset and the dimensionality reduction of the feature space using. (Python-Notebook)

Natural Language Processing

  • Assignment 1: An auto-correct assistant. This checks whether an entered word is present in the vocabulary or not. If the entered word is not in the vocabulary available, then the auto-correct assistant suggests a list of possible Words. (Python-Notebook)
  • Assignment 2:Twitter-Classifier: Identification of female and male persons, generation of persons, and profession of persons.(Python-Notebook)
  • Assignment 3: Analysis of sentiment in reviews of Amazon products with a rating (from 1 to 5). Use for the Sentiment Analyzer RNNs and Word Embeddings. (Python-Notebook)
  • Assignment 4: Check whether two questions are the same in terms of content. Whether two questions can be answered in the same way by two different people. Model of a Siamese-Network. (Python-Notebook)


AI Study Projects: Machine Learning (ML) & Natural Language Processing (NLP)


Language:HTML 53.6%Language:Jupyter Notebook 46.4%Language:MATLAB 0.0%