BenTaylor25 / Rentola

Simple Inventory Management System built with React and C#.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Rentola is a simple non-practical Inventory management system.
Frontend: React, TypeScript.
Backend: .NET 7, C#.

This is my first C# Web API, and its purpose is to give me experience working with a full application. Some of the decisions made don't make sense for a practical application.


An Item has a unique name and a quantity.
You can create an Item with a given quantity, get an Item via its unique name, increment or decrement the quantity of an Item, and delete an existing Item.

Item names must be between 3 and 25 characters.
Item quantities must be between 1 and 10,000.

Decrementing an Item's quantity to 0 will result in its deletion.

When you refresh the page, all of the Items you have created will disappear from the view. They still exist on the server however, so you can search for them.

In a real application you would probably like to be able to retreive all Items from the server, but that would be a pretty straight-forward change, and I think the project is more interesting when you handle one at a time.

See to see screenshots of how the application behaves.

Run Yourself


  • git
  • dotnet CLI (.NET 7)
  • npm
  • node 16+

Clone the project.

git clone cd Rentola


from /Rentola cd Rentola (Rentola/Rentola) dotnet run


from /Rentola cd rentola-ui npm i npm run dev


Now open a browser and go to localhost:5173

Project Structure

In the root of the project we have 5 folders:

  • Docs
    • Markdown files describing each of the API endpoints.
  • Rentola
    • Backend C# project.
  • rentola-ui
    • Frontend React+TypeScript project
  • Rentola.Contract
    • Describes external request and response bodies.
      • I don't think this is really required.
  • Test
    • Holds files for testing the Backend.


  • Rentola
    • Controllers
      • For API routes
      • ItemController.cs
        • Item API routes.
      • RentolaControllaBase.cs
        • Base class; handles error codes.
    • Models
      • Item.cs
        • Handles the creation of Item objects.
    • ServiceErrors
      • Errors.Item.cs
        • Holds error messages for service failures.
    • Services
      • Services hold business logic.
      • Items
        • IItemService.cs
          • Interface for Item services - allows different implementations of the same idea.
        • ItemService.cs
          • Item business logic.


  • rentola-ui
    • src
      • components
        • base
          • Components shared across all pages like navbar, footer, etc.
          • RentolaNav .tsx/.scss
        • NewItem
          • Collection of components that regard creation of a new Item.
          • NewItemButton .tsx/.scss
          • NewItemForm .tsx/.scss
          • NewItemModal .tsx/.scss
        • ErrorList .tsx/.scss
        • Item .tsx/.scss
        • ItemsContainer .tsx/.scss
        • SearchBar .tsx/.scss
      • App .tsx/.scss
      • errorMessages.ts
      • main.tsx / index.scss
      • routes.ts


The name Rentola comes from a character in Mass Effect.

Commander Rentola is a merchant that you meet in a very important mission in the first game.


Simple Inventory Management System built with React and C#.


Language:TypeScript 51.9%Language:C# 30.9%Language:SCSS 14.9%Language:JavaScript 1.4%Language:HTML 0.9%