BenTaylor25 / DesignPatterns

Learning notes for the big 23 Design Patterns.

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Design Patterns

A design pattern is structure that can be generalised and reused in a large number of projects.

Design Patterns typically refers to the Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software book of 23 design patterns by the "Gang of Four" (Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides).

This project is my notes while learning the "big 23" Design Patterns. For each design pattern, I have a markdown file for notes, and a practical demo written in C#. I have made a very simple CLI to execute the various demo files.
Run the CLI with dotnet run.

The big 23 Design Patterns are split into 3 categories:

  • Creational
  • Structural
  • Behavioural

Creational Patterns

Creational Design Patterns are patterns that are responsible for Object creation.

The Creational Patterns are:

  • Abstract Factory
  • Builder
  • Factory Method
  • Prototype
  • Singleton

Abstract Factory

(see Factory Method first)

The Abstract Factory pattern should be used when you have families of related objects.
That is, each factory is now able to create different objects, and the client chooses which one the factory should create.

e.g. Intel and AMD are both able to create CPUs and GPUs. The client has access to a Manufacturer (Intel or AMD), and chooses whether it wants to create a CPU or GPU. (Both concrete manufacturers are able to do this).


When a class has a large number of optional fields, use the Builder pattern to avoid using null in the constructor call.

Person person = new Person()

rather than

Person person = new Person("Ben", null, 19, null, null);

Factory Method

When an Object needs to instantiate an unknown Concrete Type (of a known Interface), the main Object should not handle the logic that decides which Concrete Type is created. Instead, this should be handled by a Factory.

If there are multiple ways to decide which Concrete Type should be instantiated (i.e. a class has multiple factories), we can use an interface with a Factory Method.
The main Object (that needs to create an object) can depend on the interface so that it can be given any Factory (i.e. any way of deciding which object to instantiate).

e.g. Blacksmith depends on interface IWeaponCreator, so that it can use RandomWeaponCreator or SequentialWeaponCreator interchangeably depending on what it has been given.


Prototype is object Cloning.
The constructor should accept an object of it's own class to clone all values onto the new object.

Car car1 = new Car("black", "fiesta");

// this is a reference copy
Car alsoCar1 = car1;

// this should create a clone
// (if the Prototype pattern has been applied)
Car car2 = new Car(car1);


The Singleton Pattern ensures that a class can only have one instance.

e.g. For a simulation / game, you probably only want to have one instance of the World class.

Structural Patterns

Structural Patterns are patterns that define how classes are related.

The Structural Patterns are:

  • Adapter
  • Bridge
  • Composite
  • Decorator
  • Facade
  • Flyweight
  • Proxy


The adapter pattern is used to make unchangeable classes compatible with a new interface.

interface IStudent {}

class UniversityStudent {}
class CollegeStudent : IStudent {}

If the UniversityStudent class cannot be modified (either because we don't have access to it, or it would break the system), we can create an Adapter in order to make it compatible with IStudent.


When you have classes with multiple dimensions of variability

PetrolCar     DieselCar     ElectricCar
PetrolBike    DieselBike    ElectricBike
PetrolTruck   DieselTruck   ElectricTruck

you should use composition to capture one of the dimensions to avoid poor scaling.

var petrolCar = new Car(new Petrol());


The Composite Pattern says that containers should be able to describe/summarise their contents.


Box {
    Box {
        Box {
            Product (£8)
        Product (£7)
    Product (£5)
    Product (£2)

Boxes should be able to get the total cost of items they contain, and this should work regardless of nesting levels.


The Decorator Pattern uses nested composition to allow objects to be modified by wrappers.

class Milk : TeaDecorator
    public Milk(ITea tea) : base(tea) {}

    public override string GetInfo()
        return $"{base.GetInfo()}, Milk";

var teaWithMilk = new Milk(new Tea());

The pattern can be nested to bring lots of behaviours together.


The Facade Pattern takes a group of classes (usually from a library, or segregated part of the codebase), and provides a single point of interaction, which means clients do not need to interact with the underlying classes.

Cup teaCup = HotDrinkFacade.MakeTea();

// Rather than

Cup teaCup = new();
Cupboard cupboard = new();
Kettle kettle = new();
Fridge fridge = new();



The Flyweight Pattern is designed to reduce memory consumption when a large number of objects are created from a single class.

When a frequently-instantiated class has several immutable attributes whose value should be shared by multiple objects, the shared data can be abstracted out into a flyweight object and shared by the objects using references.


The Proxy Pattern sets up an intermediate step in the interaction between objects. (Much like internet proxy servers).

This can restrict access of particular objects, but is perhaps more useful for caching.
e.g. set up a proxy to read from a database so that you can get the value from the proxy multiple times with only one database call.

Behavioural Patterns

Behavioural Patterns are patterns that define how objects communicate.

The Behavioural Patterns are:

  • Chain of Responsibility
  • Command
  • Interpreter
  • Iterator
  • Mediator
  • Memento
  • Observer
  • State
  • Strategy
  • Template Method
  • Visitor

Chain of Responsibility

The Chain of Responsibility pattern allows you to join together independent tasks.

e.g. In order to make a purchase, you need to

  • Check that the item is in stock,
  • Check that the user can afford it,
  • Send a request to the bank,
  • Check that the payment has been received,
  • Add order to database,
  • ...

You could use the Chain of Responsibility pattern to join these steps together.

var fulfilOrder = new CheckStockHandler();
var _userBalance = new CheckUserBalanceHandler();
var _sendBankReq = new BankReqHandler();
// ...

// ...

This way you only need to invoke fulfilOrder in order to complete all tasks.


The Command Pattern separates the action of an object from the object itself in order to allow the action to be easily undone, or repeated.


The Interpreter pattern is the least common of the 23. It is used to convert one format of data to another. This can include equating / simplifying mathematical expressions.


The Iterator pattern is when you abstract out the traversal of a collection, and just interact with the next item.

while (it.HasNext())
    if (!it.AtStart())
        Console.Write(", ");


The Mediator pattern prevents many-to-many object communication by giving each object a single point of reference.

Instead of 20 Aeroplanes trying to coordinate who will land when, they each speak to the Air Traffic Control Tower (Mediator).
The Mediator is then able to make decisions e.g. who is allowed to land next.


The Memento pattern is used to create a save of another object's internal state.
The object can then use the Memento to restore the previous state.


The Observer pattern works like social media follower notifications.
Obects can subscribe to other objects that implement the Observer pattern, and the subscriber can then be notified when the target broadcasts a change.


The State pattern allows an object to react to the same action in a different way depending on the current state. (Like a Finite State Machine).

The current state is usually stored as an object on the stateful class.


The Strategy pattern abstracts out the goal of an algorithm from its implementation.
Classes that need sorting, for example, can use depend on a sorting interface, rather than a concrete implementation, which allows them to use any implementation.

Template Method

When you have an algorithm with slight variations, you can use the Template Method pattern to specify the variation.

In order to make a hot drink, you always need to:

  1. Boil the kettle
  2. Find a cup
  3. Add stuff to the cup
  4. Pour the water
  5. Add more stuff to the cup
  6. Remove stuff from the cup
  7. Stir

If you're making a Tea with milk and sugar, you want to add a teabag and sugar at step 3, add milk at step 5, and remove the teabag at step 6.
If you're making a black Coffee with sugar, you want to add coffee grains and suage at step 3, but you don't want to do anything at steps 5 or 6.

The Template Method pattern suggests making the generic algorithm an abstract class, and overwriting some methods in the Tea and Coffee children.


The Visitor pattern seperates algorithm implementation from the class that uses it. The pattern introduces complexity, so it should be used with care.
For similar algorithms (e.g. getArea() for different shapes), the implementations can be grouped together into one class.


Learning notes for the big 23 Design Patterns.


Language:C# 100.0%