BenSchZA / wattie-whatsapp-bot

Wattie the WhatsApp Bot is a Selenium based WhatsApp web interface that provides an API for WhatsApp.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wattie the WhatsApp bot

This repository is a work in progress open source project. It is in the process of being migrated from a closed source project.

Certain code has been cleaned using the BFG Repo-Cleaner - here you will see REMOVED.


Wattie System Diagram


.vscode/            ptsvd debugging is configured in the `launch.json` file
data/               cookie data, session data, and uptime logs are stored here
diagrams/           a single system diagram
domain/             a domain object is an entity in the domain layer of your application, something a business level exec should understand
downloads/          all media downloads, both temporary and for users, are stored here
logging_config/     self commenting really
logs/               logs...
task_queue/         configuration of Celery, queues, and tasks
whatsapp/           all direct interaction with WhatsApp web with Selenium

SessionManager Class

Class for managing active Selenium session via Selenium Hub & Selenium Node:

  • Restarting/refreshing driver session
  • Persisting last session for reloading
  • Monitoring uptime and restarting services when necessary

UptimeManager Class

Class used for logging session uptime during operation.

ScheduleManager Class

Class for handling scheduled REMOVED deliveries and pushing to Celery task queues.

API Module

The API provides the following functionality:

  1. Checking service health
  2. Manually starting schedule handling
  3. Sending WhatsApp messages

All transaction are routed through the API. The benefit of routing all transactions via the API is that we can use ElasticAPM to provide performance metrics e.g. the time it takes to deliver a REMOVED.

FileManager Class

The FileManager handles the following tasks:

  1. Downloading files to be delivered
  2. Purging downloaded files when appropriate
  3. Tracking all files downloaded by creating a MongoDB entry
  4. (Previously, scheduling deliveries)

LogManager/AlertManager/SMTPSHandler Class

The LogManager handles all log files.

The AlertManager is a work in progress that handles sending alerts via services like Slack.

The SMTPSHandler handles sending alerts via e-mail with screenshots of the active session.

Supervisord & Celery Task Queue & Flower Task Manager

Supervisord manages starting the session, spinning up Celery workers, and the Flower admin portal. It allows parallel processing of task queues.

Celery workers are configured via Supervisord. These workers are given the path to the Python tasks module. The Celery config is handled in the celery_config module.

The celery_config module handles setting up queues, their priority, and scheduling periodic tasks like user processing.

The tasks module uses decorators to define tasks and their behaviour. Tasks are usually appended to a queue using a queue_{} method.

WhatsApp CLI & WhatsApp CLI Interface

The WhatsApp CLI is started as a Python subprocess via the WhatsApp CLI interface. This ensures that if there is a memory leak or if the process crashes it doesn't bring down the whole system.

The WhatsApp CLI handles all Selenium tasks and interfaces with the SessionManager to connect to the active driver session.

WIP: WhatsAppReceive Class

The WhatsAppReceive class is a work in progress. It will handle the reception of WhatsApp messages, the automated replies, and user management. It can be extended in future to handle any task that requires reading of incomming messages. At the moment it is a utility class that is indepedant of the rest of the docker system... it should perhaps be in its own branch.

Important Notes

  • When the Docker stack is restarted, the SessionManager purges all tasks.
  • The REMOVED delivery window is X hours before and after the current time: now-X >>> now >>> now+X
  • A Delivery is a collection of content sent to a user, whereas a WhatsAppMessage is a message processed from a WhatsApp conversation.
  • All transactions going through the API are monitored using ElasticAPM, certain tasks implement ElasticAPM transactions too.
  • MongoDB is a legacy part of the application, which is not used - task queues with Redis have made it redundent.
  • The WhatsAppProcess class has methods that are WIPs. One of which processes all messages (with limits) into MongoDB entries.

Wattie v2.0-Docker Deployment

Wattie has been moved to a Docker multi-service container - it can now be started quickly without worrying about EC2 environment configuration.

1. Docker

docker-compose up --build

This will start a Docker container with port 8001 exposed for API and 5900 exposed for VNC.

2. Graphical VNC Viewer

Using your VNC viewer of choice connect to localhost port 5900, the following example uses TigerVNC:

vncviewer localhost:5900

Password: 'secret'

Amazon EC2 Config

Port 8001 needs to be open to incoming connections in order to use the API. VNC connections are done via SSH.

Environment variables


The following environment variables need to be exported on the Docker host for the build to succeed.

DEFAULT_PASSWORD: Password for general service authentication e.g. Flower

API_AUTH_TOKEN: Token to authorize API requests. 'X-Auth-Token' header entry in HTTP request.

e.g. curl -H "X-Auth-Token: "$API_AUTH_TOKEN"" REMOVED:8001/health

See (Example syntax for Secure Copy)[]

scp -i .ssh/ssh-key /home/yoda/secrets/REMOVED


CELL_NUMBER: The cell number of Wattie - used for health checks.

MONITOR_FREQUENCY: How often in seconds to check Wattie's health.

SELENIUM_TIMEOUT: How long to wait in seconds before refreshing or restarting the connection.

SSHing into EC2 host

Using the following SSH command is dual purpose, it both connects to the EC2 instance, and opens up the local port 5900 for VNC.

ssh -i .ssh/aws-ssh-wattie.pem -L 5901:localhost:5900 ec2-user@REMOVED

Flower: Celery interface

Go to port 5555, with username user and password $DEFAULT_PASSWORD

Pruning Docker images

When using docker-compose, occasionaly you'll need to clear out hanging Docker images. This can be done using:

docker system prune

Wattie v1.0 Deployment

Run locally:

Start mongo db: ensure default config set mongod

Mongo shell: database admin mongo use db-name db.collection.action

Start Session Manager: called on separate thread for robustness source venv/bin/activate python

Run on EC2 GRAPHICAL instance:

Server instance users

There are two users set up:

ubuntu is the default EC2 user created when setting up a new EC2 instance - can be used for SSH and terminal tasks.

wattie is the user attached to the Linux graphical environment of choice - used when doing graphical tasks.

SSH into instance

If you don't have an SSH key set up, you may need to do that first, otherwise do the following:

ssh -i ubuntu@REMOVED

Install Firefox geckodriver


sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install firefox-esr curl -O tar -xzvf geckodriver-v0.19.1-arm7hf.tar.gz sudo cp geckodriver /usr/local/bin/

Configuring mongod service:

You may have to install MongoDB first.

Create MongoDB service on server


Use the --smallfiles option when creating mongod service to stop the daemon from complaining about lack of storage space.

Configure MongoDB working directories

sudo mkdir -p /data/db/ sudo chown id -u /data/db

Start newly created MongoDB service which starts mongod as a daemon

sudo service mongodb start

Connecting to VNC Server

First SSH into the instance using the graphical user Wattie:

ssh -L 5901: wattie@REMOVED

password: REMOVED

Start the VNC server on extension 1, it may say that it is already running:

vncserver :1 // starts vncserver on port 5901

Start local VNC viewer and connect to localhost:5901, with password 50Millio

When you close your SSH and VNC connection, Wattie will continue operating in graphical instance.

When in instance, you can switch to graphical wattie user as follows:

su - wattie

VNC Viewer complains about security issues

SSH into the instance and run the following command to reset the blacklist. This issue occurs if you enter the wrong VNC server password.

vncconfig -display :1 -set BlacklistTimeout=0 -set BlacklistThreshold=1000000


Wattie the WhatsApp Bot is a Selenium based WhatsApp web interface that provides an API for WhatsApp.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%