BenRoe / Keebcard

Home of the KeebCard project - Kicad files, code, and more!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The KeebCard, an open-source, low-power, mechanical switch computer keychain

Prototype KeebCard picture

This is the home of the KeebCard project. Originally designed as a business card, people loved it so much I decided to release a version of it as open-source (TODO: add a license).

The KeebCard is centered around an SSD1306-powered 128x32 monochromatic display and an ATTINY85-10SU. The code uses the wonderful Tiny4kOLED library to communicate with the screen via i2c. With 8 kilobytes of program space and 512 bytes of RAM, it's a fun challenge getting anything to run on this thing!


Head here for the current assembly video. I may reshoot this, we'll see


At the base of this project (currently) is the code that runs on the machine. I don't normally program in systems-level languages, so it's a little rough. You can change what program is flashed by messing with the define at the top of KeebCard.ino.


The KeebCard code is currently compiled and flashed with an ISP programmer via the Arduino suite. check out the flashing tutorial here


If you want to make your own run of KeebCard boards, check out the GERBERS directory. These are gerbers produced by the standard settings in Kicad. They are confirmed to work with JLCPCB, but probably work just fine at a bunch of other board shops.


All parts are available from Mouser save the screen


If you want to modify the design, check out the KeebCard directory, which houses the original Kicad project.


Home of the KeebCard project - Kicad files, code, and more!


Language:C++ 99.7%Language:C 0.3%