BenDMyers /

Anthony Campolo's blog, built with Astro.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ajcwebdev logo



Astro Theme Cactus is a minimal, opinionated starter for blogs and websites built with the Astro framework, TypeScript, Tailwind, and MDX. You can view a live demo of the original starter project hosted on Netlify. The theme is inspired by Hexo Theme Cactus and is licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2022.

Create a new repo from this template.

Key Features


Replace pnpm with your choice of npm or yarn

Command Action
pnpm i Installs dependencies
pnpm dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
pnpm build Build your production site to ./dist/
pnpm preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
pnpm sync Generate types based on your config in src/content/config.ts

Astro Configuration

// astro.config.mjs

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"
import mdx from "@astrojs/mdx"
import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind"
import image from "@astrojs/image"
import sitemap from "@astrojs/sitemap"
import prefetch from "@astrojs/prefetch"

export default defineConfig({
  site: "",
  markdown: {
    shikiConfig: {
      theme: "dracula",
      wrap: false
  integrations: [
    tailwind({ config: { applyBaseStyles: false } }),
    image({ serviceEntryPoint: "@astrojs/image/sharp" }),
  vite: {
    optimizeDeps: { exclude: ["@resvg/resvg-js"] }

OG Image

  • Use the Satori playground to aid in OG image design.
  • To change the style of the generated image from Satori, go to the markup function in src/pages/og-image/[slug].png.ts and edit the HTML/Tailwind classes.
  • To generate an svg og images rather than the default .png, remove @resvg/resvg-js and return the svg within the body of the get function from src/pages/og-image/[slug].png.ts.
  • Create your own og images and skip satori generating by adding an ogImage property in the frontmatter with a link to the asset, see src/content/post/ for an example.


Property and description (* required)

  • title (*) - Used as the text link to the post, the h1 on the posts' page, and the pages' title property. Has a max length of 60 chars, set in src/content/config.ts.
  • description (*) - Similar to above, used as the seo description property. Has a min length of 50 and a max length of 160 chars, set in the post schema.
  • publishDate (*) - To change the date format/locale, currently en-US, update/pass the locale arg to function getFormattedDate, found in src/utils.ts.
  • layout - Import Markdown Layouts. src/layouts/BlogPost.astro theme is used as a wrapper for all blog posts.
  • tags - Tags are optional. Any new tag(s) will be shown in +, and generate the page(s)[yourTag]
  • image - Blog cover art
  • ogImage - This is an optional property. An OG Image will be generated automatically for every post where this property isn't provided. If you would like to create your own for a specific post, include this property and a link to your image, the theme will then skip automatically generating one.
  • canonicalURL - Canonical URL for blog posts
canonicalURL: ""
title: ""
description: ""
publishDate: "2023-00-00"
tags: [ "", "", "", "" ]
image: ""
layout: "@/layouts/BlogPost"

Post Interface

// src/util.ts

interface Post {
	canonicalURL: string
	title: string
	description: string
	publishDate: Date
	tags?: string[]
	image: string
	layout: string

Site Metadata

Site meta - src/layouts/Base.astro.

type SiteMeta = {
  title: string
  description?: string
  image?: string
  canonicalURL?: string
  publishDate?: string

const siteMeta = {
  title: "ajcwebdev",
  description: "Web developer, writer, speaker, and advocate",
  canonicalURL: "",
  githubUrl: "",
  publishDate: "2022-11-14",
  image: "",
  github: "",
  twitter: ""

Site Configuration

  • author - Used as both a meta property (src/components/BaseHead.astro) and the generated satori png (src/pages/og-image/[slug].png.ts)
  • title - Meta property used to construct the meta title property found in src/components/BaseHead.astro
  • description - Meta property used as a default description meta property
  • lang - HTML lang property, found in src/layouts/Base.astro
  • ogLocale - Meta property, found in src/components/BaseHead.astro
  • themeColorLight/themeColorDark - Sets the meta data theme-color, found in src/components/BaseHead.astro
    • Toggling the dark mode will update the meta content with either light/dark color, implementation in src/layouts/Base.astro
  • date - Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString() parameters, found in src/utils/date.ts
// src/site.config.ts

interface SiteConfig {
	author: string
	title: string
	description: string
	lang: string
	ogLocale: string
	themeColorLight: string
	themeColorDark: string
	date: {
		locale: string | string[] | undefined
		options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions

export const siteConfig: SiteConfig = {
	author: "Anthony Campolo",
	title: "ajcwebdev",
	description: "Web developer, writer, speaker, and advocate. Developer Advocate at Edgio and Redwood. Host of JavaScript Jam and the FSJam Podcast.",
	lang: "en-US",
	ogLocale: "en_US",
	themeColorLight: "#fafafa",
	themeColorDark: "#1d1f21",
	date: {
		locale: "en-GB",
		options: {
			day: "numeric",
			month: "short",
			year: "numeric",

Social Links

  • Edit social links in src/data/shared.ts and in turn src/layouts/Base.astro to add/replace your media profile.
  • Icons used can be found at tablericons.


You may be asked to included a snippet inside the HEAD tag of your website when setting it up.

  • This can be found in src/layouts/Base.astro
  • Alternatively, you could add the snippet in src/components/BaseHead.astro

Providers you can use include web hosts such as:

Alternatively, you can use the astro-google-analytics package to include Google Analytics.

pnpm install astro-google-analytics

Edit src/layouts/Base.astro and replace id with your own Google Analytics ID:

import { GoogleAnalytics } from 'astro-google-analytics'

  <GoogleAnalytics id="G-XXXXXXXXXX" />


See the Astro docs for a breakdown of how to deploy your site to all of the platforms supported by Astro. By default, the site will be built to a static /dist directory (see pnpm build in Commands section above).

Netlify Configuration

My site is deployed on Netlify and uses Cloudflare Redirects for my various domains.

# netlify.toml

  NPM_FLAGS = "--version" # prevent Netlify npm install

  # command = 'pnpm run build'
  command = 'npx pnpm i --store=node_modules/.pnpm-store && npm run build'
  publish = 'dist'

Cloudflare Pages Configuration

# wranger.toml

name = ""



Anthony Campolo's blog, built with Astro.

License:MIT License


Language:Astro 69.4%Language:JavaScript 13.7%Language:TypeScript 12.7%Language:CSS 4.2%