BenBach / information-retrieval-s2011

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Information Retrieval
summer term 2011, Vienna UT
Patrick Marschik, Benjamin Bachhuber

Multi Agent Systems using JADE - Prisoners Dilemma

To build the source:
    ant build

To create an executable jar:
    ant jar

To run the sample:
    java bow.jar
	with the following command line arguments:
FILE                                   : Corpus directory.
 -l (--lower-bound) N                  : Defines lower frequency threshold.
 -m (--method) [BOOLEAN | TF | TF_IDF] : Method used for weight calculation
 -o (--output) FILE                    : name of the generated ARFF file.
 -s (--stem)                           : Enables stemming.
 -u (--upper-bound) N                  : Defines upper frequency threshold.



Language:Java 100.0%