Bello-Bello / lyrical

An app that lets users create poetry using genius lyrics (readme on master branch)

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P4: Lyrical (Genius Poetry Corner)

Lyrical allows users to search for lyrics of their favorite songs and add individual lyrics to poems they have created. Essentially, a user can create poetry using different song lyrics.

Known Issues: Edit Poem, Edit Profile features still under construction.

Tech Stack

Front end: React

Back end: Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy (PostGreSQL)

APIs: Genius API (link)

Song Lyrics API

This app also functions as an API to get song lyrics from Genius. The Genius API provides information about a song, but not the actual lyrics. You can use my API to get Genius song lyrics as a JSON by following this address format:

Description Example
1. Lyrical Poetry Heroku address
2. Author separated by dashes nombe
3. Song title separated by dashes -miss-mirage
4. "Lyrics" -lyrics

Installation Instructions

Fork and clone this repo to your local library.

Back End: Flask

  1. To make and activate a virtual environment, use the following commands: python3 -m venv lyrical_env . lyrical_env/bin/activate
  2. Install python dependencies as listed in "requirements.txt" via pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Make sure you have PSQL running (the default database will be "postgresql://localhost/lyrical")
  4. Enter the following commands to run the flask server: export export FLASK_ENV=development flask run
  5. The server should now be running at the default port for flask is localhost:5000.

Front End: React w/ Yarn

  1. Navigate into the client folder with cd client
  2. Install dependencies for yarn with yarn
  3. Create a .env file with touch .env and in it, add these lines: REACT_APP_SERVER_URL="http://localhost:5000/" REACT_APP_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN="YOUR TOKEN HERE"
  4. To get an access token for the Genius API, create an account here
  5. Generate a client access token and copy/paste it into the .env file
  6. Run the client-side server with yarn start
  7. The browser will open up the client on localhost:3000.

Development: MVP

Create a web application using a React front end and Flask (python) back end that allows users to make poems and add song lyrics to them.

One user's poem. The name of the song is displayed for each lyric added.


1. User

Column Type Other
Id Integer PK
Name String Required
Email String Required, Unique
Password Password Limit 8-30 char

2. Poem (1 user: Many Poems)

Column Type Other
Id Integer PK
Title String Required
Public Boolean
UserID Integer FK

3. Lyric (1: Poem: Many Lyrics)

Column Type Other
Id Integer PK
Song String
Artist String
Thumbnail String
Path String
Content String
Annotation String
Order Integer
PoemID Integer FK


User Flow Diagram

Back End (Flask)

Type Address Description
GET /profile Send user data
PUT /profile Update user data
GET /poems Get all poems
POST /poems Post a poem
GET /poems/:id Send poem info
PUT /poems/:id Edit poem
DELETE /poems/:id Delete poem
POST /poems/:id Add a new lyric
DELETE /poems/:id/lyrics/:id Delete a lyric
POST /auth/login Log user in
POST /auth/signup Create new user
- /auth/logout Log user out

Front End (React Components)

Address Description
/ Homepage/show all public poems
/profile Profile page
/profile/edit Form to edit profile
/results Results page with a list of songs
/results/:id Page for one song
/poems/new Form to make a new poem
/poems/:id Page to show a poem
/poems/:id/edit Form to edit a poem
/auth/login Form to login
/auth/signup Form to sign up


Genius API

  1. Using a user's query from searchbar, the Genius API is queried to show a list of songs in /results
  2. Each song result will have a generic http path to the lyrics page. This path is passed to the back end.
  3. Backend uses python data scraping to get the lyrics and return them to the front end page, /results/:id
  4. Front end renders song lyrics from back end, with artist and title

Song Lyrics scraped from the Genius website

Project Log


  • Planned schemas
  • Planned front and back end routes
  • Established initial file structure
  • Stubs for routes in front and back end


  • Built functioning React routes with page stubs
  • Researched OAuth with Genius API and React


  • Generated Auth Token to get song results from api
  • Finished /results page that shows song results from Genius api based on the user query
  • Successfully tested data scraping in python to get lyrics from Genius


  • Successfully displaying lyrics on the React front end
  • Wrote models for User, Poem, and Lyrics
  • Started to implement flask auth
  • Wrote React Components for auth on front end


  • Struggled with flask/React auth
  • Wrote back end flask/SQLAlchemy crud methods and routes
  • Worked on front end React components for profile and poems pages
  • Drew wireframes

Initial wireframe


  • Implemented auth in flask
  • Successfully tested front end auth in React
  • Added React components for Poem and Lyric CRUD


  • Finished routes (front to back) to show and add poems


  • Finished route to add and delete lyrics
  • Finished route to delete a poem


  • Added styling to all components
  • Finished writing Readme

Stretch Goals & Unsolved Problems

  • React forms and edit routes are still tricky. May return to them later.
  • Being able to drag and drop lyrics into a particular order
  • Using pandas to find the most commonly cited artist and song, and display this information on the homepage

© Erik (dj) Heikkila 2020


An app that lets users create poetry using genius lyrics (readme on master branch)


Language:JavaScript 65.4%Language:Python 25.0%Language:CSS 6.9%Language:HTML 2.7%