Experimental python module for making command line parsers from function argument annotations
my idea for this library is to be able to do something like this:
def some_command(a, b, c, ...):
if __name__ == '__main__':
some_command.run('some', 'arguments', '--go', '--here')
args = some_command.parser.parse_args()
some_command(1, 2, 3) # you can still run it as a function
As for type annotations -> parser mapping:
def some_command(
positional: str,
opt_posarg: Optional[str], # nargs='?', positional
default_posarg: float = 3.1415, # same as above, but default value is set instead of being None
*multiarg: int, # nargs='*', positional
*one_or_more: OneOrMore[float], # nargs='+', positional
verbose: Count, # action=count
_Group_Title_ = "The group's description", # create group containing all following arguments
enum_arg: SomeEnum, # choices=list(SomeEnum)
mutex_arg: Literal['one', 'two', 'three'], # create mutually exclusive group with store_const action
list_arg: List[str], # nargs='+'
multiple_arg: Tuple[str, int, str], # nargs=3 (converting to str, int, str)
append_arg: Append[int], # append (can contain a Literal to get append_const)
set_arg: Set[int], # like append, but result is converted to a set
in_file: InFile, # type=argparse.FileType('r')
out_file: OutFile, # type=argparse.FileType('w')
_Another_Group_ = None, # Create group with no description
enable_flag = False, # action=store_true
disable_flag = True, # action=store_false, name prefixed with 'no-'
inferred_string = 'abc', # type is inferred from default
inferred_int = 123,
remainder: Remainder # nargs=argparse.REMAINDER
"""description of what the command does
help for each argument can be parsed from the docstring somehow
less important edge cases:
on options