Beebeeoii / very-cool-number

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Compute VCN[41] recursively and store it into %rax without using %rbp or its variants nor emulating the use of base pointers through other registers. Let VCN[0] = 2, VCN[1] = 1, VCN[2] = 0, VCN[3] = 6.


I approached this challenge of writing a recursive program to compute the 42nd VCN in 3 ways:

  1. Using %rbp to store/read data on the stack

  2. Using %rsp to store/read data on the stack

  3. Using malloc for memoisation and help of registers to store/read data on the stack

The result of the 42nd VCN from all 3 variants is 299853833105. The code is written for gcc compiler. For debugging, I utilised gdb which is also available on the xcne clusters.


There should be 1 driver program, 3 assembly programs and 3 ready-to-run binaries which represent the 3 variants named according.


main.c links the assembly program to be run with an entry function signature long long ent(void). The function is set to run for N_ITERATIONS, which defaults to 5. The whole process will be timed and the average time taken for an iteration will be shown.

Assembly Programs

vcn.s contains the source code for variant 1 where %rbp is used to store/read data on the stack through the recursive calls.

vcn_wo_bp.s contains the source code for variant 2 where %rbp and its variants are not used. Instead, %rsp is used to store/read data on the stack through the recursive calls.

vcn_memoised.s contains the source code for variant 3 where memoisation is used.



To build and compile:

gcc main.c [vcn_variant].s -o [vcn_variant]

where [vcn_variant] refers to the variant of choice.


Compiled binaries are named accordingly and are also available to run. A sample run of the programs are as follows:

jiawei@xcne2:~/cs2106/oc1$ ./vcn
The value is 299853833105
Total time taken for 5 iterations: 2544.713786s
Average time for 1 iteration: 508.942757s
jiawei@xcne3:~/cs2106/oc1$ ./vcn_wo_bp
The value is 299853833105
Total time taken for 5 iterations: 2428.650751s
Average time for 1 iteration: 485.730150s
jiawei@xcne2:~/cs2106/oc1$ ./vcn_memoised
The value is 299853833105
Total time taken for 5 iterations: 0.000139s
Average time for 1 iteration: 0.000028s


For practical reasons, each of the variants is run for 5 iterations only as each execution of the non-memoised variant takes about 8-9 minutes.

Putting the memoised version aside for now (since it is not part of the challenge but more of my own experiment), we can see from the sample output above that the variant that does not use %rbp runs about 20 seconds faster than the variant that uses %rbp.

More Instructions

One explanation for this finding is because of the the exponential number of instructions required if we were to use %rbp. For instance, let us take vcn(4) as calculating the 4th VCN. Then, we can observe that:

vcn(4) creates [4] stack frames, for vcn(3) [1], vcn(2) [1], vcn(1) [1] and vcn(0) [1].

vcn(5) creates [7] stack frames, for vcn(4) [4], vcn(3) [1], vcn(2) [1] and vcn(1) [1].

vcn(6) creates [13] stack frames, for vcn(5) [7], vcn(4) [4], vcn(3) [1] and vcn(2) [1].

Square brackets [ ] are used to denote the number of stack frames.

We can then formulate a formula to calculate the number of stack frames created for vcn(n):

4+3*(2^{n-4}-1), where n >= 4

Therefore, we can see that for vcn(41), there will be:


stack frames being created.

As a result, additional number of instructions in multiples of 412316860417 would be required to be executed, which is not a small number and results in a longer time taken for the execution to complete. Such additional instructions include pushq %rbp, popq %rbp and movq %rsp, %rbp.

More Stack Memory

Moreover, for every function call in the recursive execution, 8 additional bytes (as written for 64-bit architecture) would be required to store the old base pointer onto the stack so that we can restore it after. Since we are in deep recursion as shown in the section above, this can have a significant impact on the stack memory.


Not using the base pointer and solely relying on the stack pointer indeed boosts the performance of deep recursive program like this one. This is mainly because of the number of stack frames being created during the execution.



Language:Assembly 92.3%Language:C 7.7%