BeeBreeze / redsvd

RandomizED Singular Value Decomposition

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RandomizED Singular Value Decomposition

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Original author is: Daisuke Okanohara

redsvd is a C++ library for solving several matrix decompositions including singular value decomposition (SVD), principal component analysis (PCA), and eigen value decomposition. redsvd can handle very large matrix efficiently, and optimized for a truncated SVD of sparse matrices. For example, redsvd can compute a truncated SVD with top 20 singular values for a 100K x 100K matrix with 1M nonzero entries in less than one second.

The algorithm is based on the randomized algorithm for computing large-scale SVD. Although it uses randomized matrices, the results is very accurate with very high probability.

Nicolas Tessore made a header only version of redsvd, which is useful for manys How to Use Currently, redsvd is supported in Linux Ubuntu

First, install eigen3 eigen3.0-beta1

Next, download the latest tarball of redsvd from Downloads.

Finally type the following commands.

tar xvjf redsvd-x.x.x.tar.bz2 cd redsvd-x.x.x ./waf configure ./waf sudo ./waf install Now the program redsvd is installed.

If you want to install redsvd in local environment, type the following commands.

tar xvjf redsvd-x.x.x.tar.bz2 cd redsvd-x.x.x ./waf configure --prefix="/your/local/path" ./waf ./waf install You can see the usage of redsvd by calling redsvd without options.

redsvd usage: redsvd --input=string --output=string [options] ...

redsvd supports the following format types (one line for each row)

[format=dense] (+\n)+ [format=sparse] ((colum_id:value)+\n)+ Example:

redsvd -i imat -o omat -r 10 -f dense compuate SVD for a dense matrix in imat and output omat.U omat.V, and omat.S with the 10 largest eigen values/vectors redsvd -i imat -o omat -r 3 -f sparse -m PCA compuate PCA for a sparse matrix in imat and output omat.PC omat.SCORE with the 3 largest principal components

options: -i, --input input file (string) -o, --output output file's prefix (string) -r, --rank rank (int [=10]) -f, --format format type (dense|sparse) See example. (string [=dense]) -m, --method method (SVD|PCA|SymEigen) (string [=SVD])

cat file1 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 -2.0 3.0 -5.0 7.0 redsvd -i file1 -o file1 -r 2 -f 2 read dense matrix from file1 ... 0.000102997 sec. SVD for a dense matrix rows: 3 cols: 5 rank: 2 compute SVD... -4.69685e-05 sec. write matrix to file1(.U|.S|.V) ... 0.018553 sec. finished. cat file1.U -0.372291 -0.926217 -0.005434 -0.061765 -0.928100 +0.371897 cat file1.V -0.411950 -0.186912 -0.031819 -0.450366 -0.441672 -0.257618 +0.432198 -0.806197 -0.668891 -0.214273 cat file1.S +9.176333 +6.647099 You can also use a sparse matrix representation.

cat news20.binary 1:0.016563 3:0.016563 6:0.016563 ... ...

redsvd -i news20.binary -o news20 -f 1 -r 10 read sparse matrix from news20.binary ... 4.84901 sec. rows: 19954 cols: 1355192 nonzero: 9097916 rank: 10 compute SVD... 2.52615 sec. write matrix to news20(.U|.S|.V) ... 5.6056 sec. finished. cat news20.S +17.973207 +2.556800 +2.460566 +2.135978 +2.022737 +1.931362 +1.927033 +1.853175 +1.770231 +1.764138 Experimental Result See the detailed result redsvd_result.pdf

You can reproduce these result by Environment Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz 8G For dense matrices n m rank time (msec) 500 100 10 0.76 500 1000 10 3.24 500 10000 10 32.3 500 100000 10 306.3 n m rank time (msec) 500 100 100 12.3 500 1000 1000 987.5 500 10000 1000 3850.0 500 100000 1000 32824.3 n m rank time (msec) 100 100 10 0.20 1000 1000 10 6.34 10000 10000 10 578 n m rank time (msec) 100 100 500 8.67 1000 1000 500 8654 10000 10000 500 45001 For sparse matrices n m rank nonzero ratio (%) time (msec) 100 100 10 0.1 0.31 1000 1000 10 0.1 1.17 10000 10000 10 0.1 22.5 100000 100000 10 0.1 1679.9 n m rank nonzero ratio (%) time (msec) 100 100 10 1.0 0.16 1000 1000 10 1.0 2.0 10000 10000 10 1.0 124.1 100000 100000 10 1.0 12603.4 Latent Semantic Analyasis (SVD for doc-term matrix) of English Wikipedia The target rank is 10

doc # word # total words time (msec)

3560 27106 172823 27 46857 147144 2418406 390 118110 261495 6142438 1073 233717 402239 12026852 1993 Inside of redsvd The code redsvd.hpp is the core part of redsvd and self explanatory.

Let A be a matrix to be analyzed with n rows and m columns, and r be the ranks of a truncated SVD (if you choose r = min(n, m), then this is the original SVD).

First a random Gaussian matrix O with m rows and r columns is sampled and computes Y = At O. Then apply the Gram-Schmidt process to Y so that each column of Y is ortho-normalized. Then we compute B = AY with n rows and r columns. Although the size of Y is much smaller than that of A, Y holds the informatin of A; that is AYYt = A. Intuitively, the row informatin is compresed by Y and can be decompressed by Yt

Similarly, we take another random Gaussian matrix P with r rows and r columns, and compute Z = BP. As in the previous case, the columns of Z are ortho-normalized by the Gram-Schmidt process. ZZtt B = B. Then compute C = Zt B.

Finally we compute SVD of C using the traditional SVD solver, and obtain C = USVt where U and V are orthonormal matrices, and S is the diagonal matrix whose entriesa are singular values. Since a matrix C is very small, this time is negligible.

Now A is decomposed as A = AYYt = BYt = ZZtBYt = ZCYt = ZUSVtYt. Both ZU and YV are othornormal, and ZU is the left singular vectors and YV is the right singular vector. S is the diagonal matrix with singular values.

Thanks redsvd uses Eigen 3.0-beta1 redsvd uses the algorithm based on the randomized algorithm described in the following paper. However, although the algorithm in redsvd samples both rows and columns, the original algorithm samples in one way (this would be because the performance analysis becomes complex).

"Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions", N. Halko, P.G. Martinsson, J. Tropp, arXiv 0909.4061 redsvd is developed in 20% project of Preferred Infrastructure(Japanese)


RandomizED Singular Value Decomposition


Language:C++ 89.0%Language:Python 11.0%