BecomeAllan / S2Query

S2query is a library to search papers from Semantic Scholar.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comBecomeAllan/S2QueryRepository from Github https://github.comBecomeAllan/S2Query

How to install

pip install S2query


Sematic Scholar paper search developed by BecomeAllan (c) 2020 is library that can search papers on Semantic Scholar page or in the API provided by them.

S2query is an request http library, written in Python, to retrieve papers available in Semantic Scholar.


We have two main classes, that can handle the paper data. To make a query about more than one topic, title, etc... The parameter search, have to be a string like:

to add some, use +:

  • search = "artificial intelligence+Deep Learning"

or if you want to exclude some, use the - to exclude:

  • search = "artificial intelligence-application"


The S2paperAPI(), consume the API of Semantic Scholar. See the Link to understand more about the API.

The return in .all is a Pandas DataFrame.

   >>> from S2query import S2paperAPI
   >>> m = S2paperAPI()
   >>> m.get("artificial intelligence", n=2)
   >>> m.all.shape
   (2, 12)
   >>> m.all['title']
   0    Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Con...
   1    Explanation in Artificial Intelligence: Insigh...
   Name: title, dtype: object


The S2paperWeb(), consume the content in the page in Semantic Scholar.

The return in .all is a dictionary arranged about the pages founded.

   >>> from S2query import S2paperWeb
   >>> m = S2paperWeb()
   >>> m.get("artificial intelligence+Deep Learning", n=3, sort = "total-citations", fieldsOfStudy = ['biology'])
   >>> len(m.all['Results'][0]['Page']['Papers'])
   >>> m.all['Results'][0]['Page']['Papers'][0].keys()
   dict_keys(['authors', 'id', 'socialLinks', 'title', 'paperAbstract', 'year',
    'venue', 'citationContexts', 'citationStats', 'sources', 'externalContentStats',
    'journal', 'presentationUrls', 'links', 'primaryPaperLink', 'alternatePaperLinks',
    'entities', 'entityRelations', 'blogs', 'videos', 'githubReferences',
    'scorecardStats', 'fieldsOfStudy', 'pubDate', 'pubUpdateDate',
    'badges', 'tldr'])


These classes have an optimization with CPU cores that make multiple requests at the same time, which is passed as a parameter like the number of cores pass as parameter poolCPU. Because of this fact, the Semantic Scholar server may stop receiving requests for a while, so we have defined a timeout in seconds so that we can continue these requests, the parameter is sleeptry.


   >>> from S2query import S2paperWeb, S2paperAPI
   >>> m = S2paperWeb(poolCPU = 2, sleeptry = 60)
   >>> k = S2paperAPI(poolCPU = 4, sleeptry = 5)

To more specific search, this classes have a main function .get() with can hame some parameters that can help.

  • S2paperAPI().get(search, n = 10, offset = 0, papers = [], save = False, saveName = Data, fields = ["title","abstract","isOpenAccess","fieldsOfStudy"])

    • Parameters:
      • search : (str) | The main query in Semantic Scholar API about the papers.
      • n : (int) | The number of papers to get, the maximum is 10.000.
      • offset : (int) | Where start to return the papers, the default is 0, that is the first paper found.
      • papers : list(int) | A list of positions of the papers (0 is the first one), if pass a list, the parameters (n, offset) have no effect in the main query (search). The default is a empty list [].
      • save : (bool) | If true, will save the data set in a file csv at the current directory. the default is False.
      • saveName : (str) | The name of the file when the save is set True.
      • fields : list(str) | The dataframe columns that the Semantic Scholar API returns, see the documentation in Semantic Scholar API Doc..
  • S2paperWeb().get(search, n = 10, offset = 0, papers = [], save = False, saveName = Data, **kwargs)

    • Parameters:
      • search : (str) | The main query in Semantic Scholar API about the papers.
      • n : (int) | The number of papers to get.
      • save : (bool) | If true, will save the data set in a file csv at the current directory. the default is False.
      • saveName : (str) | The name of the file when the save is set True.
      • page : (int) | Where start to return of the papers, the default is 1, that is the first paper found.
      • sort : (str) | The order of the return paper, the options are ("total-citations", "influence", "pub-date", "relevance"). The default is "relevance".
      • authors : list(str) | The filter of authors. The default is [].
      • coAuthors : list(str) | The filter of cothors. The default is [].
      • venues : list(str) | The filter of venues. The options are ["PloS one", "AAAI", "Scientific reports", "IEEE Access", "ArXiv", "Expert Syst. Appl.""ICML", "Neurocomputing", "Sensors", "Remote. Sens."]. The default is [].
      • yearFilter : dict({"min": int, "max": int}) | The filter of year. Ex. {"min": 1999, "max": 2021}. The default is None.
      • requireViewablePdf : (bool) | If the paper have pdf.
      • publicationTypes : list(str) | The filter of type publication, the options are ["ClinicalTrial","CaseReport","Editorial","Study", "Book","News","Review","Conference","LettersAndComments","JournalArticle"]. The default is []
      • fieldsOfStudy : list(str) | The filter of fields of study, the options are [ "agricultural-and-food-sciences","art","biology","business","computer-science","chemistry","economics","education","engineering","environmental-science","geography","geology","history","law","linguistics","materials-science","mathematics","medicine","philosophy","physics","political-science","sociology","psychology"]. The default is [].
      • useFallbackRankerService : (bool) | Fall back to rank the match papers. The defalt is False.
      • useFallbackSearchCluster : (bool) | Fall back to cluster the match papers. The defalt is False.
      • hydrateWithDdb : (bool) | The defalt is True.
      • includeTldrs : (bool) | AI based summary abstracts of papers. The defalt is True.
      • "tldrModelVersion" : (str) | The AI version. The default is "v2.0.0"
      • performTitleMatch: (bool) | Match papers about title. The defalt is True.
      • includeBadges: (bool) | Some bagdes about the papers. The defalt is True.
      • getQuerySuggestions: (bool) | Some query suggestions. The defalt is True.
      • papers : list(int) | A list of positions of the papers (0 is the first one), if pass a list, the parameters (n, offset) have no effect in the main query (search). The default is a empty list [].


S2query is a library to search papers from Semantic Scholar.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%