BearOffice / BearMarkupLanguage

A class library to read or modify config file simply. Easy to serialize/deserialize objects.

Repository from Github https://github.comBearOffice/BearMarkupLanguageRepository from Github https://github.comBearOffice/BearMarkupLanguage


A class library to read or modify BearML config file simply.
BearML is an original markup language. Language detail: Wiki

BearML version 5.0 does not compatible with version 3.0.

How to use (part)

Get values from config file


a literal value: @

# support key aliases
weather object: $
  Time: 12:10:05
  Temperature: 40.2

> block <
a tuple: 
  - apple
  - $
    price: $1.5
    color: red
  # support nested block
  > sub block <
  sub key: 1.234
using BearMarkupLanguage.Serialization;
using SerializableAttribute = BearMarkupLanguage.Serialization.SerializableAttribute;

class Weather
    public TimeSpan Time { get; set; }

    public double Temperature { get; set; }

    public string? Description { get; set; }
var ml = new BearML("config.txt");
var literal = ml.GetValue<string>("a literal value");
var weather = ml.GetValue<Weather>("weather");
var tuple = ml.GetValue<(string, Dictionary<string, string>)>("block", "a tuple");
var key = ml.GetValue<double>(new[] { "block", "sub block" }, "sub key");

Change values

config before changes

value: 10.1
ml.ChangeValue("value", 20.6);

config after changes

value: 20.6

Add values

ml.AddKeyValue("list", new List<double[]> 
    new[] { 1.1, 2.2 }, 
    new[] { 3.3, 4.4 } 
ml.AddKeyValue("dic", new Dictionary<int, Weather>
    {0, new Weather{Temperature = 12} },
    {1, new Weather{Temperature = 32, Time = new TimeSpan(12,10,15)} }

config file

    - 1.1
    - 2.2
    - 3.3
    - 4.4

dic: $
  0: $
    Time: 00:00:00
    Temperature: 12
  1: $
    Time: 12:10:15
    Temperature: 32

Change config file's style

using BearMarkupLanguage.Core;

Format.PrintMode = PrintMode.Compact;

config file

  [["1.1", "2.2"], ["3.3", "4.4"]]

  {"0": {"Time": "00:00:00", "Temperature": "12"}, "1": {"Time": "12:10:15", "Temperature": "32"}}


A class library to read or modify config file simply. Easy to serialize/deserialize objects.


Language:C# 100.0%