Graduate project for programming course "Java developer"
Date of defence: 31.03.2020
- register/login in the system
- create, remove wallets and replenish the balance
- transfer money to another personal wallet with a currency conversion function
- make a deposit and get it back
- get and repay a loan
- get fresh currency exchange rates
- CRUD operations with users, types of deposits and credits
- search deposits, credits, transfer details by date, id, user etc.
- send messages to email (fresh currency exchange rates, notification about blocking)
- JWT authentication and authorization
- automatic update status of deposits and credits (Scheduler task)
- exchange rates from website (Java HTML parser - Jsoup)
- sending messages – JavaMailSender
- simple unit tests
- Technology: Java, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Maven, JUnit, Slf4j, Apache Tomcat
- Database: MySQL