BazzalSeed / SourceCode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Installing Dependencies

  • The first dependency that we need to install is Elixir. Find your distribution and follow the instructions on this site

  • The second thing that we need to ensure that we have is Phoenix. Here are the instructions for that Phoenix Install Instructions Note: You don't need to install Erlang as you will have already done that but make sure you have all other dependencies installed.

  • Final note: Make sure you have Node.js installed as our project relies on that.

Setting Up the Environment Variables

  • This project makes use of environment variables so in order for the project to run we need to set these up. These variables are located in config/dev.exs The values of the database variables are available over Slack.

  • Line 10: http: [port: System.get_env("WEB_PORT")] this denotes which port you want your app to use when you fire it up in the browser.

  • Line 42: username: System.get_env("FOUNDATION_DATABASE_USER") this denotes your database username.

  • Line 43: password: System.get_env("FOUNDATION_DATABASE_PASSWORD") this denotes your database password.

  • Line 45: port: System.get_env("FOUNDATION_DATABASE_URL") this denotes where the database is at.(Our case we are using amazon.)

  • Line 47: port: System.get_env("FOUNDATION_DATABASE_PORT") this denotes what port your database is running at.

  • In order to run the app these environment variables need to be defined in the .bashrc

Running the Project

To start your Phoenix app:

  • Install npm dependencies with npm install
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server



Language:JavaScript 95.4%Language:Elixir 3.8%Language:HTML 0.8%