Battledash-2 / Utilities

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


utiliz is a module for completing simple tasks like: stopwatches, colored text in console, simple cli tools and more!

You can create pseudo-pointers like this. They work in a similar fashion, but you have to use the get and set functions.

const { Pointer } = require("utiliz");

const myPointer = new Pointer("hello"); // create a new pointer

console.log(myPointer.get()); // log the pointer's value ("hello")

function changePointer(pointer) { // function takes in a pointer
    pointer.set("different"); // set the pointer

changePointer(myPointer); // run the changePointer function and pass in the pointer we created earlier

console.log(myPointer.get()); // log the pointer's new value ("different")

You can initialize the colors like this. The only argument is safe mode. If you set safe mode to true, it won't override the String.prototype. (if you change the false to true, it will enable safe mode which will act the same as the pointer safe mode)

const { Terminal } = require("utiliz");

const color = Terminal.init(false); // false means it will override the String.prototype
                    // Color.init also returns the list of color functions
                    // (<color>.red("some string")) for older version of node
                    // like v12 which is used on Replit and CodeSandbox


// if you wanna use multiple styles, use it like this:
// or alternatively (but a bit messy)

If you're looking for better looking logs, you can use the StringUtil part of the module.

There is an extra function called "trim", which removes all whitespace from a string.

const { StringUtil } = require("utiliz");

// String utilities 
StringUtil.init(false); // false means it will override the String.prototype
                    // StringUtil.init also returns the list of color functions
                    // (<color>.<func>(<arg>)) for older version of node
                    // like v12 which is used on Replit and CodeSandbox

console.log("uh oh".warn()); // make a warning out of "uh oh"
console.log("uh oh".error()); // make an error out of "uh oh"
console.log("please note".note()); // make a note message out of "please note"
console.log("please note".info()); // make an info message out of "please note"
console.log("debug".debug()); // make a debug message out of "debug"
console.log("this is urgent".urgent()); // make an "urgent" message out of "this is urgent"

The following functions are intended for async functions.

If you're looking to read input from the terminal, you can use the IOUtil part of the module.

const { IOUtil } = require("utiliz");

(async ()=>{ // Standard utilities
        const io = new IOUtil(); // this creates a new interface
        const name = await io.readline("My name is: "); // read the next line from stdin

        console.log("Nice to meet you, "+name); // log the result
        // -------------------------------------------------------- \\
        const hobby = await io.readline("My hobby is".green() + ": "); // putting 'true' means it will automatically close the interface after the prompt
        console.log((( + "'s favorite thing to do is: ").bold() + (hobby.bold()).blue()).note()); // we can also use stringutil and terminalcolors with this
        // -------------------------------------------------------- \\
        const sushi = await io.readline("Do you like sushi".green() + ": ", true); // putting 'true' means it will automatically close the interface after the prompt
        console.log((( + " likes sushi? ").bold() + (sushi.bold()).blue()).note());

There is also a time utility built in to the module.

It's main intended use is telling the difference between two times.

(async()=>{ // Time utility
    let currentTime = new Time(); // create the time object
    console.log(("Start time".green() + ": " + currentTime.getTime()).note());
    const io = new IOUtil();
    const answer = await io.readline("What is 1+1? ".urgent(), true);
    console.log(("It took you ".green()+(currentTime.getDifference()).toString()+" seconds and you are ".green()));
    console.log(answer.toString() == "2" ? ("Correct!".green()).bold() : ("Incorrect, it's not "+answer+"!").red());


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%