BaseMax / StudentGraphQLTS

StudentGraphQLTS is a GraphQL-based system built with TypeScript that allows universities, students, and professors to interact and manage academic information. This system provides an API to query and manipulate data related to students, professors, courses, and other university-related entities.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

StudentGraphQLTS - GraphQL-based University/Student System (TypeScript)

StudentGraphQLTS is a GraphQL-based system built with TypeScript that allows universities, students, and professors to interact and manage academic information. This system provides an API to query and manipulate data related to students, professors, courses, and other university-related entities.


graphql graphql graphql graphql graphql


The following queries are available:

  • getMyConversations: Receive all student conversations.
  • getConversationMessages: Receive all student conversations messages.
  • getAllGraduateStudents: Receiving all graduated students.
  • getAllDismissedStudents: Receiving all dismissed students.
  • conversation: Retrieves a special conversation information.
  • student: Retrieves a special student information.
  • seminar: Retrieves a special seminar information.
  • dissertation: Retrieves a special dissertation information.
  • supervisor: Retrieves a special supervisor information.


The following mutations are available:

  • sendCode: send email verification code.
  • register: Registers a new student in the system.
  • login: Login student in system
  • createSupervisor: Create a new supervisor. required role: admin.
  • addEducational: Adds the Educational information for a supervisor.
  • selectSupervisor: Selection of supervisor by the student.
  • createConversation: create a Conversation between the student and the supervisor.
  • sendMessage: Sending messages by students and supervisors.
  • doneConversation: End the conversation.
  • completeProfile: Complete the student profile.
  • createSeminar: Making the seminar by the student.
  • createDissertation: Making the Dissertation by the student.
  • addForm: Adding forms step by step for seminars and Dissertation.

note: there are such mutations for updating and deleting seminars, dissertation, students, etc. by the admin. which is available in the documents.

Getting Started

To run the StudentGraphQLTS project locally, follow these steps:

Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd StudentGraphQLTS

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Build the project:

npm run build

Start the server:

npm start

Once the server is running, you can access the GraphQL API at http://localhost:4000/graphql.


Before running the project, you need to configure the following settings in the .env file:

  • DATABASE_URL: This is the connection URL for the PostgreSQL database. Replace postgres with your database username and password, and localhost:5432/student?schema=public with your database host and port.

  • SECRET_KEY: Set this to a secure secret key for your application.

  • MAIL_HOST: The hostname or IP address of the mail server.

  • MAIL_PORT: The port number for the mail server.

  • MAIL_USER: The username or email address used to authenticate with the mail server.

  • MAIL_PASSWORD: The password for the mail server authentication.


To run the tests, use the following command:

npm run test:e2e

This will execute the test suite and provide the test results.


The project relies on the following dependencies:

  • nestjs: Web framework for Node.js.
  • graphql: GraphQL implementation for JavaScript.
  • graphql-tools: Tools for building and manipulating GraphQL schemas.
  • apollo-server-express: Integration of Apollo Server with Express.
  • typescript: TypeScript compiler and language tools.

Please ensure that these dependencies are installed before running the project.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. Feel free to use and modify the code as per your requirements.

Copyright 2023, Max Base


StudentGraphQLTS is a GraphQL-based system built with TypeScript that allows universities, students, and professors to interact and manage academic information. This system provides an API to query and manipulate data related to students, professors, courses, and other university-related entities.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 98.8%Language:JavaScript 1.2%