BaseMax / QueueC

This is a simple queue implementation in C using an array. The queue is implemented as a normal queue.

Repository from Github https://github.comBaseMax/QueueCRepository from Github https://github.comBaseMax/QueueC

Queue C

This is a simple queue implementation in C using an array. The queue is implemented as a normal queue.


  • Queue* createQueue(int size): Create a queue with a given size.
  • void destroyQueue(Queue* queue): Destroy the queue object.
  • bool isEmpty(Queue* queue): Check if the queue is empty
  • bool isFull(Queue* queue): Check if the queue is full
  • void enqueue(Queue* queue, int element): Enqueue an element to the queue
  • int dequeue(Queue* queue): Dequeue an element from the queue
  • int getFront(Queue* queue): Get the front element of the queue.
  • int getRear(Queue* queue): Get the rear element of the queue.
  • int getSize(Queue* queue): Get the size of the queue


// Create a queue
Queue* queue = createQueue(5);

// Enqueue elements
enqueue(queue, 1);
enqueue(queue, 2);
enqueue(queue, 3);
enqueue(queue, 4);
enqueue(queue, 5);

// Check if the queue is full
if (isFull(queue)) {
    printf("Queue is full!\n");
} else {
    printf("Queue is not full!\n");

// Dequeue elements
printf("Dequeue: %d\n", dequeue(queue));
printf("Dequeue: %d\n", dequeue(queue));
printf("Dequeue: %d\n", dequeue(queue));

// Get the front element
printf("Front: %d\n", getFront(queue));

// Get the rear element
printf("Rear: %d\n", getRear(queue));

// Get the size of the queue
printf("Size: %d\n", getSize(queue));

// Destroy the queue


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

© Copyright Max Base, 2022


This is a simple queue implementation in C using an array. The queue is implemented as a normal queue.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 100.0%