BasGo / ioBroker.vis

Visualisation for ioBroker platform.

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WEB visualisation for iobroker platform.

Installation & Documentation

Demo interface Demo interface

Online Demos

Bindings of objects

Normally most of widgets have ObjectID attribute. And this attribute can be bound with some value of object ID. But there is another option how to bind any attribute of widget to some ObjectID.

Just write into attribute {} and it will be bound (not in edit mode) to this object's value. If you will use special format, you can even make some simple operations with it, e.g. multiplying or formatting. Patten has following format:


Following operations are supported:

  • * - multiplying. Argument must be in brackets, like "*(4)". In this sample we multiplying value with 4.
  • + - add. Argument must be in brackets, like "+(4.5)". In this sample we add to value 4.5.
  • - - subtract. Argument must be in brackets, like "-(-674.5)". In this sample we subtract from value -674.5.
  • / - dividing. Argument must be in brackets, like "/(0.5)". In this sample we dividing value by 0.5.
  • % - modulo. Argument must be in brackets, like "%(5)". In this sample we take modulo of 5.
  • round - round the value.
  • round(N) - round the value with N places after point, e.g. 34.678;round(1) => 34.7
  • hex - convert value to hexadecimal value. All letters are lower cased.
  • hex2 - convert value to hexadecimal value. All letters are lower cased. If value less 16, so the leading zero will be added.
  • HEX - same as hex, but upper cased.
  • HEX2 - same as hex2, but upper cased.
  • date - format date according to given format. Format is the same as in iobroker.javascript
  • min(N) - if value is less than N, take the N, elsewise value
  • max(M) - if value is greater than M, take the M, elsewise value
  • sqrt - square root
  • pow(n) - power of N.
  • pow - power of 2.
  • floor - Math.floor
  • ceil - Math.ceil
  • random(R) - Math.random() * R, or just Math.random() if no argument
  • formatValue(decimals) - format value according to system settings and use decimals
  • date(format) - format value as date. Format is like: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss"
  • array(element1,element2[,element3,element4]) - returns the element of index. e.g.: {id.ack;array(ack is false,ack is true)}

You can use this pattern in any text, like

My calculations with {objectID1;operation1;operation2;...} are {objectID2;operation3;operation4;...}

or color calculations:


To show timestamp of object write ".ts" or ".lc" (for last change) at the end of object id, e.g.:

Last change: {;date(hh:mm)}

There is another possibility to write pattern:

Hypotenuse of {height} and {width} = {h:height;w:width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(h*h + w*w))}

{h:height;w:width;h*w} will be interpreted as function:

value = (function () {
    var h = "10";
    var w = "20";
    return Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(h*h + w*w));

You can use any javascript functions. Arguments must be defined with ':', if not, it will be interpreted as formula.

Take care about types. All of them defined as strings. To be sure, that value will be treated as number use parseFloat function.

Hypotenuse of {height} and {width} = {h:height;w:width;Math.max(20, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(parseFloat(h), 2) + Math.pow(parseFloat(w), 2)))}

Special bindings

There are a number different internal bindings to provide additional information in views:

  • username - shows logged in user
  • view - name of actual view
  • wname - widget name
  • widget - is an object with all data of widget. Can be used only in JS part, like {a:a;}
  • wid - name of actual widget
  • language - can be "de", "en" or "ru".
  • instance - browser instance
  • login - if login required or not (e.g. to show/hide logout button)

Note: to use ":" in calculations (e.g. in string formula) use "::" instead.

Remember, that style definitions will be interpreted as bindings, so use {{style: value}} or just

	style: value

for that.**


To visualise on the one view thw whole number of widgets you can use filters to reduce the amount of widgets simultaneously shown on the view.

Every widget has a field "filter". If you set it to some value, e.g. "light", so you can use other widget (bars - filters, filter - dropdown) to control which filter is actually active.

Control interface

Vis creates 3 variables:

  • control.instance - Here the browser instance should be written or FFFFFFFF if every browser must be controlled.
  • - Parameter for command. See specific command description.
  • control.command - Command name. Write this variable triggers the command. That means before command will be written the "instance" and "data" must be prepared with data.


  • alert - show alert window in vis. "" has following format "message;title;jquery-icon". Title and jquery-icon are optional. Icon names can be found here. To show icon "ui-icon-info" write Message;;info.

  • changeView - switch to desired view. "" must have name of view. You can specify project name too as "project/view". Default project is "main".

  • refresh - reload vis, for instance after project is changed to reload on all browsers.

  • reload - same as refresh.

  • dialog - Show dialog window. Dialog must exist on view. One of:

    • "static - HTML - Dialog",
    • "static - Icon - Dialog",
    • "container - HTML - view in jqui Dialog",
    • "container - ext cmd - view in jqui Dialog",
    • "container - Icon - view in jqui Dialog",
    • "container - Button - view in jqui Dialog".

    "" must have id of dialog widget, e.g. "w00056".

  • dialogClose

  • popup - opens a new browser window. Link must be specified in "", e.g.

  • playSound - play sound file. The link to file is specified in "", e.g. You can upload your own file in vis and let it play as for instance "/vis.0/main/img/myFile.mp3".

If user changes the view or at start the variables will be filled by vis with

  • "control.instance": browser instance and ack=true
  • "": project and view name in form "project/view", e.g. "main/view" (and ack=true)
  • "control.command": "changedView" and ack=true

You can write the JSON-string or Object into control.command as {instance: 'AABBCCDD', command: 'cmd', data: 'ddd'}. In this case the instance and data will be taken from JSON object.

Default view

You can define for every view the desired resolution (Menu=>Tools=>Resolution). This is only the visual border in edit mode to show you the screen size on some specific device. In real time mode it will not be visible and all widgets outside of border will be visible.

Additionally you can define if this view must be used as default for this resolution.

So every time the index.html (without #viewName) is called, the best suitable for this resolution view will be opened. If only one view has "Default" flag, so this view will be opened independent from screen resolution or orientation.

E.g. you can create two views "Landscape-Mobile" and "Portrait-Mobile" and these two views will be switched automatically when you change the orientation or screen size.

There is a helper widget "basic - Screen Resolution" that shows actual screen resolution and best suitable default view for this resolution.


Reload if sleep longer than

There is a rule, that after some disconnection period the whole VIS page will be reloaded to synchronise the project. You can configure it in menu "Settings...". If you set interval to "never" so the page will be never reloaded.

Reconnect interval

Set the interval between the connection attempts if disconnected. If you will set 2 seconds, it will try to establish the connection every 2 seconds.

Dark reconnect screen

Sometimes (in the night) it is required to have dark loading screen. With this option you can set it.

Notice that this settings is valid only for reconnection and not for the first connect.



1.1.8 (2018-10-29)

  • (bluefox) File dialog was corrected

1.1.7 (2018-07-24)

  • (bluefox) view8 corrected

1.1.6 (2018-07-18)

  • (bluefox) support of new variables (see Special bindings )
  • (bluefox) fix error if fast view changes
  • (bluefox) fix "jqui - ctrl - IconState / val - Icon Bool"

1.1.5 (2018-06-10)

  • (bluefox) show more information if widget cannot be rendered
  • (bluefox) fix saving of widgets if they have bindings
  • (bluefox) show error stack
  • (bluefox) fix binding
  • (Apollon77) fix testing
  • (bluefox) fix for and external settings
  • (bluefox) A user variable was added into bindings.
  • (bluefox) Fixed widget tabs

1.1.4 (2018-04-23)

  • (bluefox) fix bool SVG

1.1.3 (2018-04-12)

  • (bluefox) ignore click by scrolling on touch devices
  • (bluefox) remove wrong state vis.0.command
  • (bluefox) fix error with jplot
  • (bluefox) better widget behaviour in edit Mode (basic, jqui)
  • Fix config dialog

1.1.2 (2018-02-02)

  • (bluefox) Fixing the saving of project
  • (bluefox) Fixing the background selector
  • (bluefox) Fixing the null pointer problem
  • (bluefox) Fixing the selection helper
  • Update translations

1.1.1 (2018-01-07)

  • (bluefox) The problem with view change on the touch devices fixed

1.0.5 (2017-11-19)

  • (bluefox) show number of datapoints in every project

1.0.4 (2017-10-22)

  • (bluefox) Add autocomplete for view CSS options
  • (bluefox) change edit of view CSS background options

1.0.3 (2017-10-20)

  • (bluefox) Fix parse of invalid bindings
  • (bluefox) add moment.js

1.0.0 release candidate (2017-10-13)

  • (bluefox) fix iframe and image updates
  • (bluefox) fix fonts

0.15.7 (2017-10-01)

  • (bluefox) allow update of images without additional query (but it works only in spome very specific cases)
  • (bluefox) zoom of iframes

0.15.5 (2017-07-24)

  • (bluefox) Fix widgets upload

0.15.4 (2017-07-19)

  • (bluefox) Add swipe

0.15.3 (2017-07-12)

  • (bluefox) Add full screen widget
  • (bluefox) Fix timestamp widget

0.15.2 (2017-07-07)

  • (bluefox) Fix binding if it has "-" in the OID

0.15.1 (2017-06-30)

  • (bluefox) Fix error with context menu
  • (bluefox) Allow add class to view

0.15.0 (2017-05-25)

  • (bluefox) fix copy of grouped widgets
  • (bluefox) fix subscribe if empty states

0.14.7 (2017-05-19)

  • (bluefox) add templates

0.14.6 (2017-05-16)

  • (bluefox) Fix error by groups selection
  • (apollon77) fix jqui-dialog for auto-open

0.14.3 (2017-05-11)

  • (bluefox) fix export/import of groupped widgets

0.14.2 (2017-04-29)

  • (bluefox) Fix install error

0.14.1 (2017-04-27)

  • (bluefox) move beta to main
  • (bluefox) fix choose filter
  • (bluefox) fix error if some views do not exist
  • (bluefox) fix binding problem, e.g. "a:-45?0" was detected as variable too.
  • (bluefox) fix some font sizes
  • (bluefox) fix undo
  • (bluefox) fix themes change
  • (bluefox) optimize load of pages
  • (bluefox) check license
  • (bluefox) fix basic views 8
  • (bluefox) fix time picker if opened in dialog

0.14.0 (2017-04-10)

  • (bluefox) add mandatory license input

0.12.7 (2017-02-09)

  • (bluefox) prepare beta

0.12.6 (2017-01-29)

  • (pmant) fix view copy
  • (pmant) Improvements to context menu
  • (pmant) usability improvements for both view dropdowns
  • (bluefox) small fix of dragging

0.12.6 (2017-01-29)

  • (pmant) add dropdown menu to views bar
  • (pmant) sort widgets widget selector by name
  • (bluefox) fix groupAttr in signals and visibility

0.12.2 (2016-12-04)

  • (bluefox) fix errors with grouping

0.12.1 (2016-11-30)

  • (bluefox) fix errors with containers

0.12.0 (2016-11-24)

  • (bluefox) subscribe mode for faster state loading
  • (bluefox) add grouping

0.10.15 (2016-11-06)

  • (bluefox) remove weather-adapter.html
  • (bluefox) clean config.js
  • (bluefox) remove old widgets
  • (bluefox) improve authentication in app
  • (bluefox) allow creation of instance from helper widget

0.10.14 (2016-10-09)

  • (bluefox) fix rendering of widgets
  • (bluefox) working on relative positions.
  • (bluefox) destroy widgets before views deletion

0.10.13 (2016-09-23)

  • (bluefox) fixed errors for iPad 1
  • (bluefox) start wokring on relative positions

0.10.12 (2016-09-16)

  • (bluefox) group specific visibility of widgets and views

0.10.11 (2016-09-15)

  • (bluefox) fix for iOS 10
  • (bluefox) allow disabling of groups for performance

0.10.10 (2016-09-14)

  • (bluefox) add text2speech widget
  • (bluefox) try to fix problem with iOS 10

0.10.9 (2016-09-04)

  • (bluefox) support of web-sockets force
  • (bluefox) destory unused views after 30 seconds
  • (bluefox) do not show middle leading lines if top and bottom are shown
  • (bluefox) let timestamp and lastchange to show time as interval

0.10.7 (2016-07-09)

  • (bluefox) add settings to reload vis
  • (bluefox) add dark reload screen
  • (bluefox) fix reload interval
  • (bluefox) export/import
  • (bluefox) add global script
  • (bluefox) add 'not exist'/'not consist'/'exist' to signal and visibility
  • (bluefox) fix oids in editor

0.10.5 (2016-06-15)

  • (bluefox) fix select ID dialog
  • (bluefox) add align help lines
  • (bluefox) never store data in non-edit mode

0.10.4 (2016-06-14)

  • (bluefox) fix drag and resize
  • (Patrick) fix QuoJS
  • (bluefox) support of milliseconds in formatDate
  • (bluefox) support of getHistory
  • (bluefox) support of show history instances
  • (bluefox) grid
  • (bluefox) add previews

0.10.3 (2016-05-30)

  • (bluefox) update canJS
  • (pmant) fixes bugs with dialogs on touchscreens
  • (bluefox) speedUP show attributes at 300ms
  • (bluefox) fix click on widget if signal is active

0.10.2 (2016-05-24)

  • (bluefox) fix widgets with timestamps

0.10.1 (2016-05-23)

  • (bluefox) change version

0.10.0 (2016-05-23)

  • (bluefox) translates
  • (bluefox) fix 'no widgets selected'
  • (bluefox) change widget icons
  • (bluefox) add signals
  • (bluefox) add app.css for cordova
  • (bluefox) change icons preview
  • (bluefox) show properties of widget as icon
  • (bluefox) fix error with external commands
  • (bluefox) add types icon to preview
  • (bluefox) support edit on iPad1
  • (bluefox) change security settings


Copyright (c) 2013-2018 bluefox,

Copyright (c) 2013-2014 hobbyquaker

Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)

CC BY-NC License

Short content: Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for noncommercial purposes. (Free for non-commercial use).


Visualisation for ioBroker platform.



Language:JavaScript 68.9%Language:HTML 24.4%Language:CSS 6.8%