BartekLewy / currency-exchanger

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Currency Exchanger



  • Docker
  • Makefile (optional)

Requirements without docker

  • PHP 8.2
  • Composer 2
  • PHP Extensions: dom, mbstring, curl & zip (to make composer faster)


make start


docker compose up -d 
docker compose run php composer install

How to use?

use Bartosz\CurrencyExchanger\Currency;
use Bartosz\CurrencyExchanger\Money;
use Bartosz\CurrencyExchanger\ExchangeCurrencyFacade;
use Bartosz\CurrencyExchanger\WithPurchaseFeeCalculator;
use Bartosz\CurrencyExchanger\WithSalesFeeCalculator;

$facade = new ExchangeCurrencyFacade(
    new WithPurchaseFeeCalculator(),
    new WithSalesFeeCalculator(),

// 100 euro -> new Money(10000, Currency::EUR) 
// All values are represented as the fractional unit/subunit to avoid rounding issues
$facade->purchase(new Money(10000, Currency::EUR), Currency::GBP);
$facade->sell(new Money(10000, Currency::EUR), Currency::GBP);

Run tests and quality checks

To run all

make qc


make test 
make phpstan
make phpcs


  • Core domain
    • Calculates a value of exchange with additional strategies that apply fees depending on conditions
  • Application Layer / Facade
    • Encapsulates business logic and provides a friendly API for interaction
    • Define use cases or application services for specific actions
  • Infrastructure Layer
    • Implement repository interfaces defined in the domain layer
    • Expose HTTP or CLI interfaces for interacting with the business logic



Language:PHP 95.7%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%Language:Makefile 2.1%