Bapi-Reddy / awesome-yearn

Yearn Strategies Reference

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Strategy Address Description
Rebalancer YFI JointProvider YFI-WETH 0x4050eB90c15F27aa75b5CFcb934a26fDE60Cf9Cb Supplies YFI as half of a join liquidity provider for the YFI-WETH Oracle Weighted Pool on Rewards are harvested, split between the two pairs, sold for more YFI, and deposited back into the strategy.
StrategyGenLevAAVE-Flashmint 0xDfFe2E8B9DD8Cc0367AAED727c07a8d2bB36Ed8b Supplies YFI on AAVE and flashmints an additional amount of YFI to maximize stkAAVE earnings. Flashmints are used to mint DAI from MakerDAO to flashlend and increase the position, boosting the APY. stkAAVE is harvested, sold for more YFI, and deposited back into the strategy.(The provided code uses flashloan option from dydx instead of mint from makerdao)
StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser 0xeE697232DF2226c9fB3F02a57062c4208f287851 Lends sUSD on AAVE and Cream to gain interest and accumulate staked AAVE as rewards. When the staked AAVE unlocks the AAVE will be harvested, sold for more sUSD, and re-deposited into the vault.
StrategyGenericLevCompFarmWeth 0x83B6211379c26E0bA8d01b9EcD4eE1aE915630aa Supplies ETH on Compound and borrows an additional amount of ETH to maximize COMP earnings. Flashloans are used to obtain additional ETH from dYdX in order to gain additional leverage and boost the APY. Earned COMP is harvested and sold for more ETH and re-deposited into the vault.
AaveLenderWBTCBorrowerUSDC 0xAE159E657712CC68C8A28B6749eC044a7fEABe21 Lends WBTC on AAVE to gain interest and accumulate staked AAVE as rewards. Also borrows USDC which it then deposits into the USDC yVault for yield. Rewards from vested AAVE and yvUSDC are harvested, sold for more LINK, and re-deposited into the vault.


Yearn Strategies Reference