BaoPham92 / EntreNess

GRANP application testing full CRUD (Create Read Update & Destroy) capabilities. Utilizing GraphQL's main 3 operation types: Query, Mutations & Subscriptions.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A side project reflecting / reinforcing my developments learning backend tech lately. Feb. 12th attempting GraphQL with express to get an idea, I decided then decided to adjust to Scala from Feb. 22nd.


The Short:

A test development application designed / based on today's modern technology stack.

The front end application will be presented with technologies using ReactJS & Apollo for our UI presenting flexible, dynamic and powerful experience to users. Aside from ReactJS's amazing utilization structure for our SPA, Apollo our UI's 2nd implementation will assist in delivering flexibility, performance, and organizational API RESTful query delivery system.

The back end utilizing NodeJS & GraphQL with a hosting layer for our database Prisma presents the efficiency of delivering our HTTP requests between our front & back end.

The Aim

Currently in a design ready stage the plan is to execute proper goal sets following building the application.

Template The Application

  1. Finish and build our ERD.
  2. Template the production build.
  3. Implement Test Driven Environments.
  4. Test production value.
  5. Survey for real use case feedbacks.


Revisit the board, reanalyze the application for adjustments, possible production outcome & results and plan for production value development.



  • Base template for GraphQL & Prisma schemas drafted.
  • Base working (CRUD) template for Queries & Mutations drafted.
  • Utils for authorizations || tokens & hashing drafted.
  • Created our service on Prisma cloud & Heroku.
  • PostGreSQL hosting our Prod & Dev.
  • Application & Production for GraphQL Playground of our working schemas deployed but not finished.


  • Base working Front-End layout created.
  • Working implementations of root GraphQL operations connected.
  • Base draft styling created.
  • Standard Redux base implementation produced.
  • Apollo integration.



  • Optimize mutations and finish remaining comments.
  • Add the remaining custom resolvers. (Currently not added due to finalizations & testing of root operations of Queries, Mutations & Subscriptions.)
  • Check for security vulnerability. 1 being a dependancy.
  • Check for updated Prisma versions. Been using methods from the stable release of 1.13 so far.
  • Adjustments for NodeJS API consistency with Prisma API for our GraphQL to our database.
  • Configure cases for root operation subscriptions after sorting out out rough draft of our API functionalities.
  • Minor, but should update ERD on the current standing of the drafted application.
  • Reconfigure schemas to adjusted usage of app.


  • Overhaul for styling and layout now that a base working draft has been created.
  • Reconfigure and optimize components to overhaul.
  • Recalibrate stack usages.

Current Task:

  • Now that a presentable working back-end is in tact. Its time to start building our front-end and connecting it.

  • A working presentable Front-End has been created for a general outlook. Time to present a overhaul to the layout & styling for the Front-End then fully implement the functions from the Back-End.

All information is subject to change as this project grows.


GRANP application testing full CRUD (Create Read Update & Destroy) capabilities. Utilizing GraphQL's main 3 operation types: Query, Mutations & Subscriptions.


Language:JavaScript 81.2%Language:CSS 18.4%Language:HTML 0.4%