BaliBalo / AdventOfCode

My solutions to

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My solutions to

The code might be hard to read a lot of the time as I am often trying to code-golf (aiming for the lowest amount of characters).
Unless it impacts the performance too much: if a shorter version takes 10 minutes to run instead of 1 second, I'll go for the one with slightly more characters.

Also I'll use JS files in here, but my solutions are meant (unless stated otherwise) to be executed in a JS console on the puzzle input page (I'll be using Chrome but I assume it will always work in Firefox). This is because:

  • I am using ES6 features (arrow functions etc.)
  • I am using console-specific features ($ = document.querySelector - available at least in Chrome and Firefox)
  • I am grabbing the data directly from the page (innerText)

Code to my private leaderboard: 190726-9bd54d97


My solutions to


Language:JavaScript 100.0%