Badgerati / StringLib

Open-source string library for LUA which adds additional string functionality. Version: 1.1.2

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StringLib v1.1.2

An open-source string library for adding additional string functionality into LUA.


string[index] -> returns character at given index from the string

s = "hello"
s[2] = "e"

string(index1, index2) -> returns substring of string between given indices

s = "hello"
s(2,5) = "ello"

string(index) -> returns unicode value of character at given index in the string

s = "hello"
s(2) = 101

string(index, chars) -> replaces character at given index with given characters in the string

s = "hello"
s(2,'p') = "hpllo"


startsWith(str, chars) -> Checks to see if the string starts with the given characters

s = "hello, world!"
s:startsWith("hello") = true

endsWith(str, chars) -> Checks to see if the string ends with the given characters

s = "hello, world!"
s:endsWith("world!") = true

removeFromStart(str, length) -> Removes some length from the start of the string

s = "hello, world!"
s:removeFromStart(7) = "world!"  -or-
s:removeFromStart("hello, ") = "world!"

removeFromEnd(str, length) -> Removes some length from the end of the string

s = "hello, world!"
s:removeFromEnd(8) = "hello"  -or-
s:removeFromEnd(", world!") = "hello"

remove(str, pattern, limit) -> Removes a number of occurrences of a pattern from the string

s = "hello, world, world!"
s:remove("world") = "hello, , !"
s:remove("world", 1) = "hello, , world!"

removeAll(str, pattern) -> Removes all occurrences of a pattern from the string

s = "hello, world, world!"
s:removeAll("world") = "hello, , !"

removeFirst(str, pattern) -> Removes the first occurrence of a pattern from the string

s = "hello, world, world!"
s:removeFirst("world") = "hello, , world!"

contains(str, pattern) -> Returns whether the string contains the pattern

s = "hello, world!"
s:contains("lo, w") = true

findi(str, pattern) -> A case-insensitive string.find

s = "Hello, world!"
s:findi("hello") = 1, 5

findPattern(str, pattern, start)-> Returns the first substring which matches the pattern

s = "hello, world!"
s:findPattern('w....') = "world"

split(str, pattern) -> Splits the sting on the pattern

s = "hello, world!"
s:split() = {"hello,", "world!"}
s:split('o') = {"hell", ", w", "rld!"}

getWords(str) -> Returns an array of words within the string

s = "hello, world!"
s:getWords() = {"hello", "world"}

spaceCount(str) -> Returns the number of spaces within the string

s = "hello, world! I am awesome~"
s:spaceCount() = 4

patternCount(str, pattern) -> Returns the number of occurrences of the pattern in the string

s = "hello, world!"
s:patternCount('o') = 2
s:patternCount('l') = 3

charTotals(str) -> Returns a table of how many of each character is in the string

s = "hello"
s: charTotals() = {'h' = 1, 'e' = 1, 'l' = 2, 'o' = 1}

wordCount(str) -> Returns the how many words are in the string

s = "hello, world!"
s:wordCount() = 2

wordLengths(str) -> Returns a string which contains the length of each word in the string

s = "hello, world!"
s:wordLengths() = "5, 5!"

wordTotals(str) -> Returns a table of how many of each word is in the string

s = "hello, world, world!"
s:wordTotals() = {"hello" = 1, "world" = 2}

toByteArray(str) -> Returns unicode representations of each character in an array

s = "hello"
s:toByteArray() = {[1] = 104, [2] = 101, [3] = 108, [4] = 108, [5] = 111}

toCharArray(str) -> Breaks the string up into a character array

s = "hello"
s:toCharArray() = {[1] = 'h', [2] = 'e', [3] = 'l', [4] = 'l', [5] = 'o'}

patternToUpper(str, pattern) -> Returns a string where occurrences of the pattern are put into upper-case

s = "hello"
s:patternToUpper('e') = "hEllo"

patternToLower(str, pattern) -> Returns a string where occurrences of the pattern are put into lower-case

s = "HELLO"
s:patternToLower('e') = "HeLLO"

replace(str, pattern, chars, limit) -> Replaces limited occurrences of the pattern in the string with the characters

s = "hello"
s:replace('l', 'p', 1) = "heplo"
s:replace('l', 'p') = "heppo"

replaceAt(str, index, chars) -> Replaces the character at the index with the given characters

s = "hello"
s:replaceAt(4, 'p') = "helpo"

replaceAll(str, pattern chars) -> Replaces all occurrences of the pattern in the string with the characters

s = "hello"
s:replaceAll('l', 'p') = "heppo"

replaceFirst(tr, pattern, chars) -> Replaces the first occurrences of the pattern in the string with the characters

s = "hello"
s:replaceFirst('l', 'p') = "heplo"

indexOf(str, pattern, start) -> Returns index for first occurrence of pattern in the string from start index

s = "hello"
s:indexOf('l') = 3
s:indexOf('l', 3) = 4

firstIndexOf(str, pattern) -> Returns index of first occurrence of the pattern in the string

s = "hello"
s:firstIndexOf('l') = 3

lastIndexOf(str, pattern) -> Returns index of last occurrence of the pattern in the string

s = "hello"
s:lastIndexOf('l') = 4

charAt(str, index) -> Returns character from the string at the given index

s = "hello"
s:charAt(2) = "e"

byteAt(str, index) -> Returns unicode value of characters found at given index in the string

s = "hello"
s:byteAt(2) = 101

byteValue(char) -> Returns unicode value of a single given character only

s = "e"
s:byteValue() = 101

compare(str1, str2) -> Compares the two strings. 1 if first is greater, -1 if less, 0 if equal

s1 = "hello"
s2 = "Hello"
s1:compare(s2) = 1

comparei(str1, str2) -> Compares the two strings again, but this time it is case-insensitive

s1 = "hello"
s2 = "Hello"
s1:comparei(s2) = 0

equal(str1, str2) -> Returns whether the two strings are equal

s1 = "hello"
s2 = "Hello"
s1:equal(s2) = false

equali(str1, str2) -> Returns if two strings are equal. This time it is case-insensitive

s1 = "hello"
s2 = "Hello"
s1:equali(s2) = true

valueOf(value) -> Returns string representation of the value. (number, boolean, string or table)

string.valueOf("hello") = "hello"
string.valueOf(74) = "74"
string.valueOf(true) = "true"
string.valueOf({[1] = 'h', [2] = 'i'}) = "[1] = h, [2] = i"

insert(str, chars, index) -> Inserts the characters into the string at the given index

s1 = "hello"
s2 = ", world!"
s1:insert(s2, 5) = "hello, world!"
s1:insert(s2, 3) = "hel, world!lo"

insertRep(str, chars, rep, index) -> Inserts the characters rep times into the string at the given index

s = "ello"
s:insertRep("h", 4, 0) = "hhhhello"

removeToEnd(str, index) -> Removes all characters from string starting at index to end of string

s = "hello, world!"
s:removeToEnd(6) = "hello"

removeToStart(str, index) -> Removes all characters from string starting at index down to the start of the string

s = "hello, world!"
s:removeToStart(7) = "world!"

trim(str, char) -> Trims leading and trailing ends of the specified character

s = "   hello   "
s:trim('%s') = "hello"
s:trim() = "hello"

s = "[[[hello]]]"
s:trim('%[') = "hello]]]"

trimStart(str, char) -> Trims leading characters from the string

s = "   hello   "
s:trimStart('%s') = "hello   "
s:trimStart() = "hello   "

trimEnd(str, char) -> Trims trailing characters from the string

s = "   hello   "
s:trimEnd('%s') = "hello   "
s:trimEnd() = "hello   "

subvar(str, table) -> Substitutes variables from the table into the string

s = "(x=$(x), y=$(y))"
s:subvar({x=200, y=300}) = "(x=200, y=300)"

rotate(str, index) -> Rotates the string about the given index

s = "hello"
s:rotate(3) = "lohel"

add(str1, str2) -> Adds the two stings together by parallel characters, and then averages them

s1 = "hello"
s2 = "world"
s1:add(s2) = "pjolj"

swap(str, index1, index2) -> Swaps the two characters at the given indices of a string

s = "hello"
s:swap(2,4) = "hlleo"

sortAscending(str) -> Sorts the string's characters into ascending order

s = "hello"
s:sortAscending() = "ehllo"

sortDescending(str) -> Sorts the string's characters into descending order

s = "hello"
s:sortDescending() = "ollhe"

highest(str) -> Returns the character with the highest unicode value

s  = "hello"
s:highest() = 'o'

lowest(str) -> Returns the character with the lowest unicode value

s = "hello"
s:lowest() = 'e'

isEmpty(str) -> Checks to see if the string is empty

s1 = "hello"
s1:isEmpty() = false

s2 = ""
s2:isEmpty() = true

s3 = nil
s3:isEmpty() = true


Open-source string library for LUA which adds additional string functionality. Version: 1.1.2


Language:Lua 100.0%