Backporter / Jacker

This will *jack* Several system calls within games

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This will jack Several system calls and change thier behavior in a way that is firmware agnositc.

as of now it has two compile modes, XOR / DB, XOR will swap out the default mov esi, r14d logic inside SceVideOutSetFlipRate with xor esi, esi(when xor recives the same param twice it'll zero out the register, so we use this so we don't use a instruction larger then the oringal) so it ignores the fliprate passed into it and uses 60 FPS mod(0), DB is currently not finished, the idea for it came from @crazyvoid.


This will *jack* Several system calls within games


Language:C++ 39.2%Language:C 23.4%Language:Makefile 20.7%Language:Batchfile 16.6%