BUILT@NYU's repositories
EVQUARIUM is an evaluation tool that quantifies the accessibility of EV charging station locations using queueing and graph theory. Given a zonal distribution of EVs with access times to charging stations, it outputs the access patterns and social impacts under equilibrium.
Theses are codes for the simulation of fixed route, flexible route, and door-to-door service. Some parameters are originated from MTA B63 Bus route, connecting Cobble Hill and Bay Ridge, as an example.
This repository stores the data and scripts for the paper: A school bus routing problem with a mixed ride, mixed load, and heterogeneous fleet
Two tools (schedule-based, static) provided for transit flow estimation. Assignment algorithms can be used independently.
The code is for the inverse optimization model in this paper: Chow, J.Y.J., Recker, W.W., 2012. Inverse optimization with endogenous arrival time constraints to calibrate the household activity pattern problem, Transportation Research Part B 46(3), 463-479. Note: unfortunately, a bug was found in the code after publishing the paper, it has since been fixed. Note that while this code is used to calibrate HAPP, it can also be modified to calibrate any multiobjective VRP where the objective parameters and/or arrival time constraints are not known with absolute certainty.
This simulator uses a proposed non-myopic cost function approximation policy to allow passengers to have synchronized transfers within a ride-pooling system.
Common purpose optimization algorithms
NOMAD-RPS is a dynamic ride-pooling simulator that uses a non-myopic cost function approximation policy to make sequential decisions and find the best matches between riders and vehicles in the system
This repository contains materials of our studies on transit data sharing games, including noncooperative and cooperative approaches.
A fleet-based simulation platform that connects MATSim with external ride-pooling simulators
Demonstration of the Iterative Balancing Algorithm outlined in Davis 2023
SSTNDP: Sequential Segment-level Transit Network Design Problem