BNOTIONS / robotframework-testrail

Publish Robot Framework results to TestRail

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This script creates/updates Test Suite and Test Case templates from Robot Framework tests, and publishes results to a new Test Plan in TestRail.

The standard process is: Robot Framework execution => output.xml => This script => TestRail API


Tested with Python>=3.

Best use with virtualenv (to adapt according your Python/OS version):

> virtualenv .
> Scripts\activate  # Windows case
> pip install -r requirements.txt


Robot Framework

You must add a metadata tag to your test suite file called UPLOAD_TO_TESTRAIL and label your Test Cases starting with TC_<TEST_CASE_NUMBER). The TEST_CASE_NUMBER should be in ascending order from 1-n, n=number of Test Cases in each Test Suite.

Format of Test Case Title :

  • TC_ + unique integer + space + title of your Test Case: TC_2 Verify Toggle Button, TC_2 Validate Login
  • unique integer: 1 - n, n=number of Test Cases in each Test Suite. Each Test Case should be labeled with an integer in ascending order.


*** Settings ***
Metadata          UPLOAD_TO_TESTRAIL 

*** Test Cases ***

TC_1 Verify buying mode toggle label   
    Launch The Application in buying mode
TC_2 Verify the buying and selling mode 
    Go To    ${HOMEPAGE}
TC_3 Verify all the tabs labels 
    Launch the application in buying mode
    click on get ready tab in buying mode
    click on Browse property tab in buying mode

TestRail configuration

Create a configuration file (testrail.cfg for instance) containing following parameters:

url =
email =
password = <api_key> # May be set in command line

Note : password is an API key that should be generated with your TestRail account in "My Settings" section.


usage: [-h] --tr-config CONFIG
                                  [--tr-password API_KEY]
                                  [--tr-pid PROJECT_ID | --tr-plan-id PLAN_ID]

Tool to publish Robot Framework results in TestRail

positional arguments:
  xml_robotfwk_output   XML output results of Robot Framework

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tr-config CONFIG    TestRail configuration file.
  --tr-password API_KEY
                        API key of TestRail account with write access.
  --tr-pid PROJECT_ID  Identifier of TestRail Project, that appears in TestRail.


# Publish a Test Plan for Project #1 a
python --tr-config=testrail.cfg --tr-password samplepassword123 --tr-pid=1 output.xml


Publish Robot Framework results to TestRail

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 98.0%Language:RobotFramework 2.0%