BGoldenberg161 / class_frontend

Project 4 GA. React frontend of class. A student platform where teachers can create classes, assign students to those classes, and create assignments that can be assigned to a class. A student can see what classes they are in and also see the assignments that are associated with that class.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Class Overview

Project Idea/Concept ⤦

  • A full stack application with both teachers and students in mind, a school system platform created to help streamline a teachers workload, deploying assignments and quizes easier, the ability to easily grade and leave feedback, a collective of assignment resources at the touch of every teachers fingertip as well as a highly effective enviorment for students to learn all in one place without the distraction of outsourcing to different platforms. The true one-stop shop, welcome to Class.

Project Name ⤦


  • An investment in knowledge, pays the best interest.

Our TechLead and gitMaster ⤦

Team Name ⤦

"Creative, friendly Software Engineers dedicated to producing ideas that work damn hard for our clients."

Team Member Roles ⤦

  • TechLead & gitMaster, FrontEnd / BackEnd

    Branden Goldenberg
    > Branden's gitHub

  • Design Lead, FrontEnd / BackEnd *Unicorn

    Yoel Morad
    > Yoel's gitHub

  • Scope Specialist & Product Manager, FrontEnd / BackEnd

    Channee Math
    > Channee's gitHub

  • T-Shaped Engineer, FrontEnd / BackEnd

    Sameh Kinawy
    > Sameh's gitHub

The Sweetest Pitch (yum) ⤦

Educators are often frustrated by the lack of tools and funding to truly streamline easy educational platforms for students to use that are not only user-friendly but have a focal point on accessability, as education is for all. Our App eliminates the outdated tools / options in the educational sector and offers a one stop-shop for educators and students, Welcome to Class. Seeing a rise in educational sector hiccups due to outdated and commplicated tech especially during these hard times (COVID-19), leading to a higher percentage of students losing education and educators unable to provide education we seek to answer this call. With Class, you can reduce the workload on educators offer a highly effcient learning enviorment to students and cut out the outdated and pointer tech that forces educators and students to use x amount of tools for one assignment / lesson as Class will aggregate it all!

ERD (Rough Draft) ⤦


ERD v.2 (MVP Draft) ⤦


User Stories ⤦

As a User I can Signup / Login.
As a User I can identify as a Teacher or Student.
As a Teacher I am able to create Assignments or Quizes.
As a Student I am able to do the Assignment or Quiz and view my Results/Grade.

Wireframes (Rough Draft) ⤦


Color Scheme ⤦


Logo ⤦


Additional Technologies ⤦

  • Grommet
  • Django RESTful Framework

Planned Technologies ⤦

  • the Decoupled DERN STACK

    • Django
    • Express
    • React
    • Node
  • the Languages

    • JavaScript
    • Python
    • HTML5
    • CSS3
  • the Database

    • MySQL
    • PostgresSQL
  • the Deployment

    • Heroku

Work Allocation

Who is our Gitmaster? Who will be doing what? ⤦
  • TechLead & gitMaster, FrontEnd / BackEnd

    Branden Goldenberg
    > Branden's gitHub

  • Design Lead, FrontEnd / BackEnd *Unicorn

    Yoel Morad
    > Yoel's gitHub

  • Scope Specialist & Product Manager, FrontEnd / BackEnd

    Channee Math
    > Channee's gitHub

  • T-Shaped Engineer, FrontEnd / BackEnd

    Sameh Kinawy
    > Sameh's gitHub

Daily Sprints

  • Sept. 27, 2020

    • Team as a whole set up frontend Client and backend Server.
    • Discussed and installed basic dependencies.
    • Finalized roughdraft wireFrames.
    • Discussed Accessability and implemented a highly accessible color scheme pallete.
    • Team is Ready to run on frontend and backend structure[blueprinting]
  • Sept. 28, 2020

    • Setup all Models on backEnd.
    • Set up all skeleton components and form components (Grommet) for all concurrently known pages.
      • Will then convene with team for further action.
    • To be Determined when team convenes.
  • Sept. 29, 2020

    • Dive deep on client to server side connection and routes.
    • To be Determined when team convenes.
  • Sept. 30, 2020

    • Clean up
    • Style
    • Streatch Goals
      • Student RSS
      • Teacher RSS
      • Possible Zoom agregation
      • Export Grades to Excel
      • TBD
    • To be Determined when team convenes.
  • Oct. 1, 2020

    • Deployment
    • Present to Client
(or otherwise general plan for accomplishing tasks, preferably broken down by day)


  • Setup Server
    • Install Dependencies
    • Install / Setup Linter
    • Setup Express App
    • Setup Not Found and Error Middlewares
  • Model DB
    • What data will we store?
  • Setup Model(s)
  • Setup Routes
    • What routes will we have?
  • Setup Client
  • DEPLOY (Sprinkle That PAPRIKA!)


Project 4 GA. React frontend of class. A student platform where teachers can create classes, assign students to those classes, and create assignments that can be assigned to a class. A student can see what classes they are in and also see the assignments that are associated with that class.


Language:JavaScript 65.1%Language:Python 33.0%Language:HTML 1.6%Language:CSS 0.3%